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Friar Fag : Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2002 @ 10:29 pm

Merry fucking Xmas Eve everyone.
Sorry if I'm such a humbug, but I dislike all this excess time spent with my family. Even when I try to be all family like (which isn't often), there's never any room for me in this family. Never have three children, one of them will always be left out. I go upstairs, thinking I'll spend a half an hour or so being semi social. There's no room. Well, there would be on the couch if one of them would move over, but they don't. There's just not enough seating arrangements in the living room for all five of us to be in the same room together. Luckily, that doesn't happen very often because someone's always arguing with someone. The parents are either arguing with eachother or yelling at us, and Jennifer just can't leave me the fuck alone.
Needless to say, already the holidays haven't been that joyful.
My parents dragged me to mass tonight, as payment for letting Kate stay over for three nights.
Anyone who was raised Catholic will tell you that even if they are no longer are Catholic, attending a mass is very... peaceful for them. Calming. There's something about the familar rituals and hymns that just make you feel whole. So I can understand why people have religion. But it really isn't for me. Even that feeling of being complete seems false. Hypocritical. Some people can look beyond that.
I'm not one of them.
This church is much bigger then the one in Houlton, no surprise there. They had a wonderful choir and the man leading the choir... well I'll call him "Friar Fag". He was a Fransican, but if he's not a homosexual, I'll eat my socks. Two glances at him and my gaydar was practically screaming. He had the walk, the talk, everything right down to the wrist thing that you never see gay guys do unless they're like Jack on Will and Grace. And well, put Jack in a black frock, shave his head, and tone everything down a notch or two and BAM you have this Friar. He plays the piano and organ very very well. His hands flew across the keys with such natural ease it was like his hands were disconnected from his body and were playing all on their own. He has a voice on him too. A tenor, if I'm correct, which I'm probably not.
Anyawy, Friar Fag gave me some amusement during the hour long ritual. Well, despite my own ritual of checking out the women as they line up for communion. I'm not seeing enough medium sized women abouts down here. I love women who have enough curves that they're between say a nine and a sixteen. Women with meat on them, something to hold and cuddle with. Most women down here either have too much meat or they're anorexic. Seriously. Some of the girls I've seen they turn sideways and you wonder where they went. Not only that but they're all boney. Being 5 ft 8 and barely 100 pounds is bad. Eewies.

I wish I could spend my holidays with friends... I wonder if I'll be able to not come home for Christmas during winter breaks at college...
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.
Lots of love

mood: irritated
Ani Difranco - So Much Shouting, So Much Laughter (Disc One)

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