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Intresting Day It's Been : Monday, Dec. 23, 2002 @ 5:26 pm

I waited two hours at the Department of Motor Vehicals and then... they handed me my license. I was kind of like wtf? I wasn't really expecting that. I was expecting to have to get my Virginia permit, then my license. Nah. They just assumed the State of Maine knew what they were doing when they gave me my permit and voila! I have am now a licensed driver who is too scared to actually drive down here. I mean really, you would be too. The people here can't drive which can be attributed to their great DMV as well as all the coffee addicted yuppies who are in a hurry to get to work. Oh! And the obnoxious teenagers whose parents buy them a mercedes and then they procede to crash it every six months.

Then... I got my hair cut. Like I planned to. Really, really short. I went from two inches beyond my shoulders to two inches period. I couldn't watch while she cut it. I just closed my eyes and didn't think about it.
I like it. It's definatly an Amy cut. I'll post pictures once I get them devloped/get a scanner.
Happiness. I think I will spend the next hour or so sewing patches onto my backpack.
mood: lazy, content
music: Madonna - Die Another Day

P.S. I'm working on a new layout... possibly for this diary? Can be viewed here. The last box is an i-frame, that currnt page in it isn't definate. The top box is where the links that open in the iframe go, and the middle is my journal. I'm thinking about making the iframe smaller and the journal bit bigger but anyway... what do you think?

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