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Wartime : 02.12.03 @ 11:34 pm

We had a "terrorist" attack "drill" today (for the information of those who don't know: I live roughly 30 minutes outside of DC, currently the capital of one of the more hated countries of the world). It was almost ridiculous as the Cold War "hiding-under-your-desk-will-save-you-from-a-nuclear-bomb" drill but not quite. Though I wouldn't have been overly surprised had they told us to get under our desks.

In case of a biological/chemical war-type disaster in the DC area, we are to close and lock all doors and windows, turn the electricity off, and cut the ventilation.
The funny thing is our school isn't air tight. If we had biological/chemical issues near the school, the biological/chemical/bad shit could and would penetrate the walls of our school.

So basically, by locking us down you are condemning 3,000 -/+ students and teachers to a confined space as they die slow painful deaths at the one place most of us don't want to be when we die - school / work away from family and friends.
So, in a sense, it is the modern day version of the hiding under your desk drill.
Ineffective and created solely to console stupid rich parents and the rest of the world that we will be safe if such an event were to happen.

What was really funny about the whole thing was that the principal's (who always sounds like she's announcing the end of the world even if she's just telling us that the computer network is down and can't write a speech worth shit) announcement regarding this drill.

She started off by covering up the fact that it was indeed a terrorist attack drill by saying that their was a possibility that there'd be some accident nearby causing fumes and shit. Unfuckinglikely when you live in the rich suburbs of DC. There's no power plants near by, and there isn't a road close enough that would carry anything horribly dangerous. Then, she stressed her point that we should obey this system by using a Columbine comparison.

Yea. That's right. She somehow made the jump from biological warfare to Columbine.

"Let's remember what happened to the boy at Columbine. He was told not to go into the library. He did. He died."

That is a very near direct quote. The last three sentences I am positive are exactly what she said.
This very stupid, totally out of place comparison ruined the somber moment for every person in that building as you could hear the entire school cracking up.

I have to go to bed now (I totally skipped doing my homework. Oops.), but I think I'll leave you with a quote to make you think about the current state of foreign affairs, if CNN hadn't made you think already.

"Third, it became apparent to us through our defense and fighting of the American enemy that it relies mainly in war on the psychological war, given its huge media machine and reliance on air strikes to hide its main weak points, which are fear and cowardice... What the enemy fears most is the war of cities and streets, that war that the enemy expects tremendous, grave losses in. So we also stress the importance of suicide operations against the enemy, those operations that cause so much harm to the enemy in the U.S. And Israel and they have never seen anything like them in their history, thanks to Allah."

- Osama bin Laden

From the translated transcript of Osama bin Laden's message as aired on the al Jazeera satellite network.
(c) Washington Post Company 2003

(Funny/Scary Flash Movie, go see)

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