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Untitled, II : 02.14.03 @ 3:23 pm

Oh, wow. I didn't update last night and the world did not stop spinning. What a relief. I was scared for a moment that the world would screech to a halt and wait for me to write a god damned entry.

Today was Valentine's day. Which translates into "no-sex-unless-you-give-me-an-expensive-gift" Day. I'm not a big Valentine's day person. I think that if you're in a relationship with someone, there shouldn't need to be a special day where you shower them with gifts and be a romantic sap. You should be a romantic sap and randomly do things to make them smile anyway. Therefore, Valentine's day as it is today is essentially pointless, or at least in my opinion.

In philosophy (I will eventually spell that correctly) class we started our unit on "is there a god"?

I was surprised how mellow I was during the class long debate. I'm very comfortable being an agnostic and I don't feel the need to force my belif on others because I know that various ways of thinking aren't right for everyone. Here are some things that came up in class...

Them: How can you say that the universe formed from particles if you can't tell me what or how the particles formed?
Me: Can you tell me how God came to be?
Them: No, God just is.
Me: Exactly.
If there is a god...
Me: If there is a god, I don't think he's some big guy in the sky. I think "god" is the spiritual feeling you sometimes get, that complete content-ness, the wholeness with humanity.
Them: But aren't you contradicting yourself?
Me: No. I can entertain an idea without saying I agree or disagree with it.

Yes, well today really was a waste of a day. I have no classes on Red days that I couldn't pass in my sleep (and that always seems to be what I'm doing...).

I've been entertaining this half brained idea and I've finally shared it with Zac and Colby, who love the idea. I'm hoping we'll be able to go through with it. What is this idea of mine?
To follow the American teenager's pastime of backpacking around Europe the summer after they graduate high school. I feel the need to do this now, when I'm young, because twenty years from now this adventure will not be possible.

I'm starting to plan already, researching the countries we want to visit, making a list of the countries and places (museums, castles, etc.) to hit. Ireland, England, Scotland, France, Netherlands (Amsterdam!), Denmark, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and Greece are all on that list. Ooh I'm so excited, even though it's more then a year away. I haven't informed my parents of our plans yet, but by this time I'll be 18 and paying my own way -they won't be able to say "no".
The only thing that might damper this wonderful plan is this damned war. Already because of it I crossed off Turkey, Israel, and Egypt off the list. I may be foolish, but I'm not completely stupid.

Other then this half brained plan, nothing of note has happened lately and I'm in the middle of a good book, so I think I will return to the pages of Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West (really good book!) now.


Post Script
(Dad on the outside door downstairs that leads to my own little appartment down here)
"I don't know if I like this situation. You could easily let a boyfriend in late at night..."
(Note: He knows about my sexuality)

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