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Strange Naked Duck : 06.25.03 @ 10:33 pm

I am such a strange duck.

I really am.

As we all know, I'm queer. I love women. I have little to no desire to have sex or be in a relationship with a man.

But every once in awhile, when I get to know a guy (or girl, but its more disturbing to me when this is a guy) I start getting urges... the touchy feely urges. That's just how I am, I'm touchy feely to the point where to other people its down right sexual, but it's never felt that way to me.

I could tease you by licking that spot on your neck right below your ear.

And it would not be sexual at all to me.

Maybe there's something wrong with me.

I've gotten better at controlling these urges. Better then I was when I was back in Houlton and had Ryan, who's my little gay cuddle boi.

Hey, it took me a long time to break him into being cuddly.

Ever notice that its those that are comfortable in their sexuality that are cuddly? Those that aren't don't want to be touched or cuddled with.

On a lesbian note, it's great when a chick comes into the store and Peter, Ryan and I will all go damn. At the same time, too. Peter almost fell over trying to follow her ass when she was walking away into the parking lot. I wish I had more guy friends. It's fun to just chill and check out girls... of course, I know more lesbians in the area then I do straight females so I suppose I have enough friends I can do that with.

I think the reason for my chronic lack of confidence is the lack of anyone around me to cuddle with. My own mother doesn't even want to be hugged.

If anyone wants to be my cuddle toy, I'm holding interviews this Saturday. The job comes with a bed, comfort, and money when you want something (I don't mind spending mine on other people...). Further options available if you're female, single, andro/soft butch, and queer.

((wanders off to do laundry, comes back naked ten minutes later and the washer pounding away in the other room))

Woot. Nakie-ness.

All right. I've run out of things to say. How sad. Didn't have much to say to begin with, did I?


Tomorrow: Visiting Mary Baldwin College
Next Week: Kate's coming to visit.

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