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Parents & Sex : 01.31.03 @ 12:42 pm

No, still haven't left yet. We're sort of on our way out, but I thought I'd share with you an amusing story that may or may not make you scream in disgust.
I had just finished folding the laundry and I was putting them in Dad's dresser (because that's where they go) when I stumbled upon a video tape.
It's an early 1990's video - looks like one of a series, so they must have more - The series is called Tips for Better Sex or something cheesy like that (Great lovers are made, not born). This particular video out of the series specializes in oral sex.

Once I got over the initial image of my father going down on my mother and/or my mum going down on my dad - I just cracked up. I started laughing and laughing - because it really is a funny image, that of my parents "going oral". I mean really, can you picture your parents having oral sex and not laugh?

Yea. So my parents have sex lives.
Obviously, they're two healthy adults, nothing wrong with that. If anything they should get more sex, perhaps it would help them loosen up a bit.

After fighting to keep a straight face as I went down stairs to talk to Mum I was soooo tempted to tease her about it - like I'd tease a friend just to make them blush.
Unfortunetly, my previous expierences with treating my parents like a friend haven't been successful.

I keep on being told that I'm not their equal. I think they could reword that better. Yea, they're my parents. But they're human, I'm human. Where's the lack of equality there?


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