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Rambles and Silliness : 09.13.03 @ 9:30 am

I'm taking a much needed break from homework at the moment.
That does not mean that I will not be back here scribbling away the moment I get off from work at 4:30. It just means that for once I want a morning where I don't have to function before ten.

Yesterday was an interesting day at work. Baristas are crazy, especially the evening shift. It's just what happens when you get a bunch of college aged students together in one store and give them espresso.
It didn't help that three of us were on the rag at the same time. Poor Edgar, the only male surrounded by irritable, crampy women.

Erin's a senior at George Mason. She's a nut, I generally enjoy working with her. Anyway. She's really straight. She just doesn't comprehend why anyone would not want cock (yea, go figure).
So she was asking the normal straight questions. "How do you know that you're a lesbian?" blah blah blah.
And I told her what my thinking was - I get the best of both worlds. I get the cuves, the breasts, the softness, and then if I want penetration there's always strap ons.

And then the rest of the night was just really... sexual. I won't go into it too much but here are some quotes:
Edgar: "I bet you want her to suck your fingers"
Me: "I can think of better things to do with my fingers"
Edgar: (excited look) "Or your feet!"

Edgar: "Asian girls taste like caramel!"

Erin: "Asians don't have sex!"
Edgar: -wiggles eyebrows- (Edgar's Asian)

Playing the "Who Would You Do" game:
Erin: "Rosanne or Oprah"

Erin: "I hate people! People are so stupid! Why can't everyone be as smart as me!"

So these are the things that go on at your local Starbucks when we're not making your drinks. :-)

Did I mention that my manager the moron got fired? Yea. He did. We're all really happy about that.

There has been no great epiphanies in my life lately.
Well actually. There has been. But it's along the same lines of the things I can't talk about on here.
Don't you just love it when someone teases you with a secret like that and then is like HAHAHA I can't tell you?

I'm sorry I really don't have much to say. I posted a new digital photo of the week. You should click on that little angel to the left and see it enlarged in all its digital beauty and tell me what you think. I'm actually surprised they came out as well as they did considering I was just goofing off in my backyard. I was getting stressed out, and just holding a camera tends to mellow me out and bring me back into focus. I'm sorry if I get mushy in entries about photography. But it really is like being in love. Not that the curves of the camera or the smell of dark room chemicals would turn me on or anything, but you know how it is. Me with a camera would be equal to a night of cuddling in the amount of happiness it gives me.

Everyone needs their little non-drug related pick-me up.


P.S. Ryan is playing Nathan in his school's production of Guys and Dolls! Go Ryan!

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