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Stupid People and Spiders : 09.15.03 @ 10:22 pm

Despite having some reading I really should be doing (read: homework), I feel the need to write the entry that I�ve been formulating partially in my head all day.
When I was younger (as recently as two years ago) I used to always have a journal with me, so whenever I had those little random thoughts I�d write them down. I don�t anymore, obviously, and now my entries are longer, but at the same time I have to sit down and actually think about what I meant to say.

Today�s rant is on Stupid People. There seems to be a rash of them. Everywhere. And I don�t mean stupid like they�ve been underprivileged so have a low IQ, I mean stupid as in they�ve had everything presented for them and they don�t know how to work with it.
Geosystems is one of those senior slacker classes that is brain-numbingly easy and makes me wish I took AP Bio. We had this report to do. It was essentially a dignified junior high report and took me all of twenty minutes to research and type up. We were also supposed to create a question that would go on a quiz over all the presentations and include the answer in our report. The teacher went so far as to tell us to say �This is an important fact� before we say the information that will be on the quiz. So I do my little report and then I come to the last paragraph, �I consider this an intresting/important fact�.
Boy: So does that mean that we need to know it?
Me: Um. Yea.

�At one point in time there was an ocean called the Iapetus Ocean that formed as Africa was being ripped away from Virginia. When the Iapetus Ocean existed, the sea level...�

Girl 1: (whining) �Do we have to write all of this? It�s a lot of writing!�
My thoughts: No, dumb ass, that�s why you take notes.
Me: All right then.

�There was this ancient ocean between what is now Africa and Virginia and its beaches were in the Blue Ridge Province which is why you can find sandstone from the beaches as well as...�
Girl 2: �Woah do you have to talk so fast?�
The girl before me, her presentation was on sandstone.
Me: *frustrated noise* �All right then. There was this ocean. It left behind rocks. That�s what you need to know.�

They're fucking upperclassmen and they don't know how to take notes?! What the hell are they going to do in college?
Seriously man. I hate stupid people.
And while we�re on the topic of stupid people a sixteen year old boy who attended a school in the district next to ours was beaten to death due to school rivalry.
That�s right. School rivalry. Some medieval cavemen disguised as his peers decided that their high school was better then his high school and because of this they were going to beat him until he died.

At my school, and elsewhere in the good ole� state of Virginia, we have this time of the day where we do the Pledge of Allegiance and have a moment of silence. Occasionally the principal will make an announcement, dedicating the moment of silence to one person/event, etc.
Today she got on, dedicated it to this boy, and then lectured us on school rivalry.
Right after the moment of silence someone came on the PA and talked about how Herndon was going to kick South Lake�s (our main rivals in just about everything) butt in the upcoming football game.
Can you say irony?

In other local news, it looks like the DC Metro area will be hit by a grade 3 grade 2 (as of Wednesday. It used to be grade 5! Eeek) hurricane. Granted, because we�re inland, it won�t be as bad as if we were on the coast, but it might be bad enough to get us out of school on Friday.

(view map)

I�m thinking rain and high winds are in the forecast.

Earlier today there was this huge spider crawling along the floor as I attempted to do homework. And I mean huge. Think around the size of a soda can tab for just his body. I immediately wacked it repeatedly with a near by tin thing then went to get some paper towels to pick him up and throw him away.
I bend down, scoop it up with the paper towel, and it decides now would be a good idea to uncurl and attempt to crawl along my fingers as I�m squealing like a girl and jumping backwards (as well as up and down), throwing the spider against the wall. It falls on the floor and crawls away.
I have nothing against spiders. I�m quite used to living with them. With little ones. Not huge-mother-fucker-I-ate-a-horse spiders. Eeew.

All right. Enough bull shitting around, I need to get some school related work done before my self-imposed bedtime of eleven.


Currently Reading: (for AP Lit) The Color Purple

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