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Mexican Food : 07.14.03 @ 9:59 am

I'm quite tired.
It's all Ryan's fault, he kept me up until 1:30pm talking on the phone. Well. I'm sure it's partially my fault, but still.


There's this old lady in Kmart-style used clothes with lots of plastic bags and a cane. When she was outside she was flagellating herself with her gloves and staring off into space and now she's inside screaming at the librarian.
Crazies. They don't come out after midnight, they come out at ten in the morning.

Yesterday I went to the Reston [Art] Fair with Ginger [regular customer/nice person/lesbian/mother/computer genius/mother/extraordinaire] and her son [cute little shy two year old with a mop of curls for hair]. It was fun and I got a pretty bracelet to occupy the wrist that has been deserted by my [broken] watch. Then we all went to get Thai food - which I've never had before but I definatly liked the noodles and vegitables, but the chicken wasn't that great.

I later showed my portfolio to Ginger & her [regular customer/nice person/lesbian/mother/photographer/partner/"Da"/extraordinaire].
They liked it and they want me to take some pictures of their son (eee!) and they're going to pay me {eee-eee!). Now of course, I feel like I won't be able to meet their expectations... but hey, it's worth a shot.

Even later, still at work, Iced Venti Chai [regular customer/male, from now on known as IVC] who has come in every day in the last half hour of the store to get his drink for longer then I've worked there. Sometimes we have little chit chat, but he's just a customer like everyone else.

Disclaimer: Not exactly what was said, memory gets fuzzy after sleep.
IVC: "So have you eaten supper yet?"
Me: "Yes."
IVC: "Oh. I was going to ask if you wanted to eat some Mexican with me"
[Me: Doesn't know how to answer. First thought is - 'I don't like Mexican Food'. Second thought is - 'I don't like guys'.]
So in my traditional form, I just don't really answer. He looks kind of disapointed and says "Maybe some other time".
Yea. Maybe some other time.

He's at least twenty two years old, probably closer to twenty six. When Ryan asked, I rated him a four on the ten scale (actually, it's a four closer to a three, but I don't want to be creul and this is from a lesbian so my judgement's bad to begin with).
I don't think he knows I'm seventeen and therefore under age.
And I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that I'm a lesbian.

I'm also pretty sure he wasn't just asking as friends because we don't know each other. At all. And you don't ask the barista out to Mexican Food unless it's as a date.
I'm flattered, really, to know that it's not a complete lost cause for me to get a date. But let's get some females asking me out for Mexican. Maybe then I'd say yes even though I don't like Mexican.


In other news, I split the inside of my lip on my braces last night while wandering around upstairs in the dark [naked] trying to put the phone back so it didn't wake me up in the morning or piss my parents off because they can't find it when they want it. I hit a chair while bending down to put the phone on its hook.
I also have some other physical ailments that you don't need or want to hear about. And my time is up anyway.

Leave comments. Please. Miss talking to y'all online.

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