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Cheerios! : 03.01.03 @ 10:15 pm

I've got to be the only teenager I know that is keeping extensive financial files. I have a folder for receipts, another for bank receipts, another for pay check receipts. and tables summing all of these things up plus one for the tips I get.
Yea. So. Uh. Call me anal. I'm seriously organized in all of the important things in life - book keeping, job, etc. Yet when it comes to other things I'm so disorganized it's almost silly.

I did absolutely nothing today. Slept. Did unproductive [read: not doing reviews] things online. Went to work.
I really do enjoy my job a lot, despite how much it totally wipes me out. And I have almost-flat feet, so five plus hours standing on them hurts my feet, my ankles, and my knees more so then it would if I had a regular arch. Man. I'm 17, I'm not supposed to be having body aches already.

Mental note to oneself: Drinking water constantly for your entire shift will cause you to be running to the bathroom every forty minutes for the rest of the night.
-runs to the bathroom-

-Comes back with a bowl of Cheerios-

I love Cheerios. Talk about a classic that never dies. Loved Cheerios (the regular kind) when I was a kid and I still do. (munch, munch).

Oh yea, an entry. You probably wanted something of substance to read. Well fuck. Give me a minute while I rack my brain for an actual topic to talk about seeing the past few days (if you haven't noticed) have been dull and not worth mentioning.

You know what I'd like to do? If I ever get several million dollars to toy with, that is.
When I'm older and have a few degrees and at least fifty years of life behind me, I'd like to start a school.

Yea. You read that right. A school. A private all girls boarding school to be precise.
(No, I do not plan on growing up to be an old perverted lesbian.)
The way I'd work this school is that the first two years would be like regular high school and the last two years would be like a pre-college program. They would choose a concentration (major) and spend time studying that to get ready for college. The school would offer just about every AP course available... basically, it'll be the school that I wish I had gone too. A school that fosters independence, creativity, and a drive to be oneself (see, writing the brochure already).
I thought about inviting all these friends of mine who want to go into education to possibly join me on this far off endeavor. Then I realized that 90% of these friends are gay.
I don't know if a bunch of queers running an all girl's school would go over too well. Though. Y'all are still welcome to join me. :-)

I've got to stop writing these entries that are nothingness. Then I can stop apologizing for writing them.

Perhaps I'll actually do my reviews (that are backed up a good week) tonight...


P.S. Has anyone figured out why you're supposed to sort darks and whites yet? Because I just throw everything in at once and they come out fine... Even the supposed 100% cotton ones...

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