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Let's Talk About Sex : 02.28.03 @ 10:18 pm

I would have died in the 1950's. Or at least have been one big slut.

Why do I say this? Well I just finished watching something on this history channel about Sex in the 20th century... (I've mentioned I'm a big history dork, right?) and well. Hell. So much for the First Amendment in that day and age.

The problem is is that historically, our society goes through phases. We have a great sexual revolution where men finally discover what the clit does, where men and women are having sex outside of marriage - hell, men and men are having sex outside of marriage... and then the Religious Right gets their way and we have a moral backlash. Over and over and over again... I swear, if I have to live through one of those moral backlashes... well let's just say it won't be pretty.

Anyway. Today's rant involves how amused I am at religious people who preach anti sex values yet have half a dozen children running about.

Oh come off it. We know you bugger your wife at least once a week. Just because you ravage yourself with guilt for actually enjoying it, doesn't mean we have to feel guilty about enjoying ourselves.

All these laws that are still on the books about sodomy? All these societal taboos involving sex... it doesn't make any sense to me.
What business is it of some preacher or such that I'm doing a female? Yea. I love women. If you have a problem with it, well obviously you're just jealous. What business of it of anyone's what I do with my sex life?

Onto a topic more relevant to this day in age...

STDs, STIs, abortion, HIV and teenage pregnancy will decrease if we teach abstinence.

Uh. Dude. You skipped over that whole teenage years didn't you? Seriously. I think 90% of Republicans/Conservatives just totally skipped over the teenage years or at least blocked them totally out of their mind.

(Fights to keep mental image of George W. Bush having sex as a teenager out of her mind)

Teenagers will have sex, you have little to no influence on that. If you don't want Junior to be taking drugs for his HIV infection, or paying child support, I suggest you get your heads out of your asses and support teaching birth control in health class (blah blah blah).

Also inspired thanks to the history channel show - a rush of love for all those queers that came before me.
Thank you very much for doing what you did. For having the courage to kick down that closet door.
(who the fuck came up with the term "closet"? It's so stupid and has nothing to do with homosexuality).

Anyway. Sorry about this little rambling rant of nothingness. I lost my train of thought back there and don't care to pick it up again.

Don't you hate when that happens?

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The A

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