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Optimistic Stupidity : 09.29.03 @ 10:39 pm

I bought this little black book the other day, at B&N. It fits quite nicely in my cargo pants pocket and we have become rather acquainted these past few days.
Which is my sorry excuse for not writing before this.

I am currently feeling rather shitty in an odd way. Physically, I feel like shit, I'm tired, I'm achey, and I'm coming down with a cold/flu. Mentally, I am bashing myself for my photography-related stupidity, and I'm relatively stressed out due to so many things to think about and not enough me available to think.
Kind of like a computer overload. When you try to do too many things on the computer at once, the computer gets rather frazzled and slow.

Yet, despite all this I'm in an unexplainably good mood.

I got a 93 on my AP Comparative Government Quiz (those are some heavy duty quizzes too) and an 89 on the essay I wrote in class last time (for the first AP-styled prompt of the year and written in a twenty five minute time frame, that's not bad). I have an A in Geosystems. I'm reasonably confident that I did well on the AP Lit essay on Heart of Darkness. The first meeting of Generations Accepting All Youth (our GSA) went well. I'm hoping to have a large part of the organization of this group, as it is definitely something that is important to me. Maybe I can *officially* become an officer and have another thing to tack onto my Activity Record at the last minute. I have lots of ideas that I want to implement, and I have the feeling that I'm more organized then A.S., the founding G.A.A.Y member.
The meeting was wonderful! So many people showed up, and most of them were Straight Allies (or Supporters, but I like my term better). We are all brimming full of ideas and they're all cool people. So hopefully this year it won't fizzle out like it did last year.

My photography that is frustrating me currently, is entirely a result of my own stupidity.
On Saturday I had a photo shoot with Felicia, Jim, and Kati at Fountainhead Park (Southern Fairfax County). It was wonderful, we had lots of fun, I took two 35mm rolls, some digital pictures, and one and a half rolls of 120mm rolls. I couldn't for the life of me figure out which ones of the 35 mm rolls I had used, because all three were bouncing around my bag and I knew one of them had to be empty, and I also knew that with the first one, the little tab had been left out a bit.
So I develop two of them, the two Tri-X's because I was pretty sure that I didn't use the Tmax.

One of the Tri-Xs was blank.
The other Tri-X had both rolls on it.
As in a put the same god damn film back into the camera and shot pictures over it again.
Those were some good shots too... I could tell just by the negatives.

So that blows, and makes me question my own intelligence.
But we had fun on Saturday, and I'm pretty sure my medium format rolls are fine, so I'm not too upset.
The emphasis "too" being the key word here.


felicia felicia & jim
Kati Felicia & Jim

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