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Storm & Freakish Happiness : 08.26.03 @ 11:32 pm

I would like to take a moment to simply say:
I rock.
The results of two in a half (maybe three) hours of not doing my summer assignments:

Ryan's Layout:
Ryan's Layout

Felicia's Layout:
Felicia's Layout

I'm quite proud of myself, once again I did the layouts in HTML instead of CSS. If that sounds backwards to you, it's because I learned CSS tables before I learned HTML tables and CSS tables always came easier to me because they're a lot of copy and pasting and just altering the y, x, and z....
Eh. You don't know what I'm talking about anyway.

So today I woke up at the ridiculous hour of seven to drag my sorry ass to Starbucks to work and be a merry barista at too early in the morning.
At least I got my espresso.

After work, I picked up my school schedule, which goes something like this:

Red Day Black Day
1:2 Art 2 AP Comparative Gov't
3 Geosystems
4:5 Web Development AP English Lit
6:7 Political Science Photo 2
I hope that made sense to at least one of you.

So after I had a nice little chat with my guidence counselor, who I'm rather fond of (She's nice and I think she'll be able to say nice things about me when I apply to colleges), I went to the pet store to pick up a new filter cartrige for my fish...

In typical Virginian Weather fashion, we had blistering heat and humidity, celebrated with a storm at around eleven am. Then, it went away and the humidity and the heat rose once again.

(This is where me and the Pet Store come in.) I'm on the other side of town, just paying for that damned filter, when I look outside and... it is pouring so hard that you can hear it roar.
My car is in the middle of the parking lot. With the windows cracked.
If you could have seen me run, holding up my heavy baggy shorts so they didn't fall down, I can barely see past all the rain, and I'm trying to find my damned car in the parking lot.
(I rarely can find my car when I've parked it. I get disoriented inside of stores.)
So I get in the car. Roll up the windows. Wipe off my glasses. Turn the car on, put the wind shield wipers on full blast. Pull out of the parking lot.
Preceed to make it down a major-four-lane road not being able to see out my windsheild. I can barely make out the blurry lights before me, the road is flooding, I swear I was bracing myself for a major accident, I could just me hydroplaning into the car infront of me...
Needless to say, I was very happy to get home.

And again, in typical the Virginian Weather way...
The rain stopped once I got home.

I'm not quite sure why I'm in such a happy mood. This is new, rare, and exciting.
And I don't know why.

I feel like dancing, singing, running around naked...
(I wasn't nicknamed Flash for 'nothing)

I feel like I could go to a party and for once, not feel like I'm out of place.

This is good.


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