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The ATM Man : 06.21.03 @ 12:42 am

Despite it being after midnight already and me being tired enough to actually go to bed, I feel compelled to write a quick note or at least something in my diary, to update you on my life (blah blah blah).
School was out as of today, but I didn't go to school today due to the need to sleep in, which I did excessively. Had a strange dream that despite being weird I did not actually realize it was a dream until after I woke up.
Anyway, in my dream I was in Maryland visiting a college when suddenly I was informed that the Ani Difranco concert was not August 18th but May second (that was the day in my dream) and all I had to get back to Virginia via the freakin beltway was this small car that resembled those old toy cars that you could drive in as children (do you know what I'm talking about?). And on the way back I stopped at an ATM machine, only to save money the bank had put a man out there with a bloody gash in his hand that you slid the card through and he spit money out of his belly button.

Yea, that's what I thought too.

I got my SAT scores back. As you know, when I took them in April I got an 1150 (690 V and 460M) and I wanted to retake them to bring up the math score, so I took them again earlier this month and got a 1220 (690V and 530M), so I'm happy and stuff. Actually, I think my words were � "I rock". And I do. Please no reminders that you got a higher SAT score then I did, because I don't care. I'm competing just with myself when it comes to my education and the fact that I brought my math up 70 points is pretty damn good.

I'd like to take this moment to say that as I am sitting here, in my wrinkled Ani Difranco "Dilate" tee and black underwear, typing this out, there's a spider that is dangling from the ceiling, just about eye level with me. I blew at him, trying to get him to go back up and leave me alone, but instead he curled up into a ball and fell onto my desk.
Just now, he managed to find his "string" again and crawl rather quickly up to the ceiling again.
I've never minded spiders much, as long as they aren't in my bed while I am, or falling on me, I just let them be. You can't live in the basement for six years and be afraid of spiders.

I went to Barnes and Noble today and spent wayyy too much money. I believe I spent $100.13 today on books.

A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer
Gideon's Trumpet by Anthony Lewis
Fanny by Erica Jong
Queenmaker by India Edghill
Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

The last two as well as No Exit, which they didn't have in the store, I need to read and do some work on them for AP Literature and Composition next year.

I guess I just compulsively spent money today because I also bought a $15 sweater at H&M � it was on sale from $26 and it's a nice, black "guys" (but really unisex, in my opinion) sweater, and some more Rice Flower and Shea body lotion.

I just finished reading yet another book � whose name escapes me � that I've had for awhile, this is my second or third time reading it. It's a lesbian romance novel that always makes me go "awwwwwww" and continue to reaffirm the fact that what I really want in life � eventually at least � is a woman to love, live with, perhaps have children with... perhaps even that whole white picket fence idea.
Lesbian Soccor Moms in their van with the "Proud Parent of an Honor Student" sticker right next to the rainbow triangle.

Right. So I'm tired and after today, I'm working like every day between now and Thursday. Twenty eight hours this week. Oh. That reminds me. When the schedule first came out one of my co-workers was upset because he only had like sixteen hours of work. He was trying to get me to let him work one of my shifts and I said that I'd think about it...
And to that, he started bitching about how it wasn't fair that I got more hours and it's not like I did anything anyway...
That pissed me off... beyond saying anything. I didn't even respond, though everyone there knew that I heard and Erin even protested on my behalf...
I spent the rest of the shift hardly saying anything to anyone beyond the customers and Erin, and working even harder, fueled by my anger. Because it's simply not true. I don't come home completely exhausted because I didn't do anything. And no. He can not have one of my shifts. And no. I will not cover one of his shifts ever again, should he ask. And I've done it before, many times have I saved his ass at the last minute.

Some people just irritate me.


P.S. As many have inquired (surprisenly. I'm sure the suspense is killing you all), no. I did not ask Intresting Girl out.

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