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Untitled VIII : 06.16.03 @ 11:17 pm

I think somewhere in my strange, warped psyche, I reason that if I tell y'all and a few online friends that I really am going to ask Interesting Girl out, or at least ask for her number, then I'll actually do it.
In truth, it all depends on how my self esteem is in the morning. If it's on an up, like it currently is, there's a chance I will. I can just picture it -
Me: Hey, you want to do something later this week?
Her: Sure, like what?
Me: Oh, I don't know. Movies? Lunch? Dinner? Starbucks? Me?

(that's a joke, btw. I would not actually say that).
Actually, it's more likely to go something like this:
Me: Hey, you want to do something later this week?
Her: Eh. I'm busy.
Me: Oh. All right.

{Frustrated Noise}
You have no idea how badly I want to get to know her more. I just want to sit down and talk to her for hours on end.
Damned self esteem and self-doubt.


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