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Bull Shit Excuse of an Entry : 06.01.03 @ 8:46 pm

Cause and Effect.
You don't write in your diary consistently for a month and the amount of daily readers goes down from almost fifty to twenty-five.

The problem is, there's only so many times you can write about school and work before it starts to become repetitive.

Today's personal realization is this:
I am like a puppy. To any stranger, friend, whoever, that shows me one ounce of friendliness, I'll roll over and let them rub my tummy (that's a metaphor. You actually try to rub my tummy, and I'll bite you. I'm just too ticklish). I think this is a bad thing. Part of that whole trusting-too-easily thing. Or maybe I'm just so starved for love and friendship that that's just a side effect.
Pathetic, either way.

So today I went to [name of one of the many suburban towns with a mall in Northern Virginia] to buy my mother her birthday gift. I can get to the mall just fine, it's easy enough considering I only make two turns and it takes me ten minutes. But then, after I went to the mall and spent $30+ at Bath and Body Works for my mother's birthday gift. I could have spent so much more. Everything smells and feels so good in that store... I can never spend less then $25. I need to restrain myself.

Despite my happiness in making it to the mall intact and such, I quickly started to fall apart as I tried to get to Petsmart and interpret my mother's confusing directions that are all rights, lefts, number of lights you hit, etc. It gets confusing when there's so many fucking intersections. You can't keep track of which one you're at. I need directions that go something like � "The intersection with the McDonalds, make a left. Once you've passed the Best Buy, make a right." (etc).
I ended up spending around forty minutes driving around in circles before I finally called my Mum, who proceed to hang up on me after yelling at me for being stupid and inept.
Gee, Mum! Thanks for hanging up on me when at this point, I don't even know how to get HOME let alone to freakin Petsmart, and the main reason why I'm even here is to get your damned birthday gift.

So after driving around in circles some more � obviously not getting anywhere, I make three attempts to find the right road home. I did get home, but I was too pissed to go home directly so I stopped by Starbucks to get a carmel apple cider (yum) and then headed to a local petstore and pick up yet another filter for my damned fish tank because the one I have creates too strong of a current for my little bastards.

So yes.
That was my day.

And tomorrow I wake up to another week consisting of the same old bull shit as last week. Oh joy.


Things I need to do tonight:
- do APUSH hw
- do photography project
- study SAT shit
- call Ryan
- work on new layout.

Things worth mentioning that I'm doing this coming week:
Saturday 6/7 - SATs
Sunday 6/7 - Capitol Pride Street Festival in DC

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