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Rolling Thunder & Art : 05.25.03 @ 10:09 pm

Today, I went into DC.
Originally, the plan was that Alana would pick me up and then we would go in together and meet up with Allison and her girlfriend at the Mall.
The plan unraveled rather quickly, starting with Alana deciding to not go to DC and not contact me and tell me so.
Then, I had no way of reaching Allison. So I just went into DC by myself for the first time, and I was not mugged, raped, or conned by the homeless men in Nikes selling umbrellas. I met up with Allison and her girlfriend (whose name escapes me, like most names do, but they were both cute and even cuter together. Insert: "Awww") and we watched Rolling Thunder, which is a memorial service involving a bunch of guys (and a few chicks) on Harleys driving down Constitution Ave and me taking lots of pictures for my extra credit in AP US History. I have never seen so many motorcycles. Thousands upon thousands of motorcycles, and the line just went on and on forever before we finally got sick of it and left in search of a Starbucks (it wasn't that hard to find one). I've become a Starbucks snob. Their service quality just isn't up to ours. And the barista on the bar needs to go back to high school and retake some English classes, his grammar was horrible.

Uh. Yes. Anyway. Allison's an Art Major (of some sort) and I am an Art nut, so we walked around The National Gallery of Art and The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden.
I disliked the modern art section, despite my mild admiration for some of Andy Warhol's work. There were quite a few completely blank canvases, or canvases painted one single color (there was one painted completely brown) or all white except for one off-white stripe.
What is truly sad is not that the artist finds this as a way to express himself, but that people are actually willing to pay thousands of dollars for this work.

So I had fun, and I got a lot of good shots of Allison and her girlfriend, I'm hoping one or two come out nicely. For the first time - perhaps it's because it's two hot lesbians holding hands and being all cute and lovey dovey throughout DC, or perhaps its just because for once I'm not the object of the stares � I noticed them. The stares. And they got not a few comments from strangers.
At one point, when they were walking and holding hands, some middle aged guy from a truck called out to them "Hey I need someone to hold my hand too"....
And earlier that day, Allison was telling me that some guy asked them if he could watch them make out.

I just don't understand why people think that because someone's a lesbian, they have a right to act like that and be completely rude, obnoxious, and, well... people.

Every time I go into DC I fall in love with it a little more. I don't know how one could not love that city...

Ugh. I'm too tired to continue. Sleep well y'all and have a great Memorial Day doing whatever you do.

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