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Good Karma : 06.05.03 @ 10:24 pm

Yours truly is a big dork. An absent-minded talks-too much dork no less.

Today, I had put on this pink stuff that dries up zits faster then you can say "Ahh I got a zit!". I normally put this on and walk around the house, doing things while its on. It eventually fades until you can barely see it except in bright light.
Yea. So I left for CVS and Starbucks with it still on. Luckily, it had faded enough that it wasn't really noticeable. But still. When I came home I was quite shocked that I was stupid enough to leave it on when I went out in public.

I love the Starbucks people. It's like a big, extended family that includes almost everyone that works there, people who used to work there, and the regulars who come in multiple times a day. Every time I go there, there's a group of them hanging out in front of the store, smoking a cigarette and talking nothingness. Sometimes it's so ridiculous that just about every employee who works there will be hanging out, even though we're off and don't need to be there at all (it could also be that some of us don't have lives).
Extended Family is a pretty good word for it. Not all of us like each other, we have our occasional drama snits, but most of us get along all right and if we're not friends, we're friendly and helpful towards each other.

Either that or I'm just a big twit who can't read people at all. Hey. It's quite possible.

I've discovered that I really, really want to go back to Maine in August with my family, even though I told them that I didn't due to work. Not only do I want to chill in Ogunquit, but I want to drive up to ____________ (by myself), crash at Sarah's place, and go to school for a few days just to say "Hi" and stuff. It's a strange sensation, seeing I spent all of the eleven years that I lived there wanting to get out.
Of course, this desire to go back to ____________ for a visit is very different from wanting to live there. I do not and I repeat do not want to live in ____________ or a town like it ever, ever again. What I really want to do is show up with blue spiked hair, a nose ring, a tongue ring, an eyebrow piercing, my tits pierced, a tattoo or two, and twenty odd pounds off of my stomach and hips. Oh. And with a really hot girlfriend. Rwar.

Speaking of Hot Girl... well. She's not hot in the way that anyone that's not a lesbian would understand, but I think I've called her Interesting Girl in past entries. Interesting as in I really would like to get to know her better. I don't think we'd click that way, but hell. It couldn't hurt. I like talking to her, she has amusing things to say. So yea.. humm.

Katy, Sean's girlfriend invited me to her end-of-the-year party. It was tickling to know that Katy � who I've talked to maybe four or five times � thought to invite me. Of course, I can't go, because it's the day after the seniors get out of school, which means that I have to be at school during the party. It's disappointing, but I'm glad she invited me nonetheless.
Makes me think that perhaps I'm not a total outcast after all.
Ah. Back to that Theory of Delusions that people actually like me and actually care.

The career options I have before me are endless. I'm facing the problem that there are so many things I want to do with my life and I just can't fit them all in. History teacher/professor. Photographer. Photojournalist. Journalist. Guidance Counselor.... everything. I want to see everything, do everything, study everything (except math), be everything... Damn. I need more then one lifetime for this.
Better stock up on some Good Karma.


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