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Meaningless Entry : 04.16.03 @ 3:38 pm

[warning: quick, meaningless entry]

My fish is a picky son of a bitch. I've gone through two different kinds of fish food and he refuses to eat either one of them.
Bah. He'll get hungry enough eventually.

I was up until three in the morning talking to Amanda (Sean's friend), and it was then when my Mum came stomping downstairs and yelled at me to get off the phone.
Supposedly I woke her up by talking on the phone. Downstairs. In my room. With both my door and the door to the upstairs shut and it wasn't like I was screeching.
I'm sorry, but if you're that light of a sleeper, it is so not my fault if you wake up.

I'm really hoping that Mum didn't hear any of last nights conversation because it was really, really, dirty (blushes and hides).
Boy, that late night conversation was hot. Oh, the horniness. Rawr
Amanda is such a tease.

I went to Best Buy. I think I'm not going to get a Palm Pilot. It's just not worth the money. I am getting a cell phone soon, with Tmobile. I like their plans the most.
Also went to Barnes and Noble and bought Kushiel's Avatar, the last in the trilogy by Jacqueline Carey. I also bought (being the historical fiction nut that I am) The Book of Eleanor: A Novel of Elanor of Aquitaine by Pamela Kaufman. Oh. And the second Harry Potter movie on DVD.

So I'm a big dork. At least I'm a dork with money to blow!

Apologies extended for the pointless entry akin to so many other meaningless diaries out there.
But hey, I did warn you.


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