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Appalling! : 04.15.03 @ 10:31 pm

There is something incredibly dirty about popsicles and pepermint sticks.
Either the people who invented them are sick fucks, or my mind is just in the gutter.
Me thinks its the latter.

Speaking of sick fucks, we got a bunch of Muppet finger puppets at Starbucks. They're so cute, I just had to buy one (view here). So after I did my squeal-y girl-y childhood nostalgia thing by forking over $2.17 (that's with my discount) on a freakin finger puppet and I'm still quite happy because the Muppets rock, some sick middle aged pervert comes along with his seven year old daughter.
He picks up the Fozzie finger puppet and slides the peppermint stick in and out while saying "This is kind of sick, but it looks like he's enjoying it!".
My mouth dropped.
How can you say something like that? It's the Muppets and your seven year old daughter is standing right next to you! Stop tainting my childhood memories you sick fuck! No you can not have your god damned Frappe....
Of course I didn't say that, that was all an inner monologue.
I should have spat in his Frappe.

Today a Southerner made fun of my so called accent.
I was quite appalled because truly, I don't have an accent. The only reason why you can tell I'm not from the South is because I don't drawl out my words and stick them together.

Another "appalling" thing today was that Ryan, one of the guys I work with, insists I look like Kelly Osborne. I so do not look like Kelly Osborne. If I look like Kelly Osborne, then ever slightly over weight chick with short hair looks like her.

I broke number two today. (read yesterday) Damnit!
I'm not addicted, I swear! I don't even like it that much.... (grumble grumble).

So my fish is being picky and not eating his food.
And tomorrow I finally get to go to Best Buy to get my damned birthday gift.
But I have to bring the entire god damned family along � which is always fun. My brother's wheelchair, my sister being the bitch she is, and my Mum just wanting to get it over with as soon as possible.
I think I should just follow them in a separate vehicle.


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