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Happy Happy Joy Joy : 04.06.03 @ 12:00 am

I was in such a good mood (read: giddy, elated, silly, energetic) earlier. It's not that I'm no longer in a good mood, it's just that the edges of the good mood have eroded because it's 11 pm and I'm tired. The good mood had a pretty good run though. Five or six hours of feeling... great.
It surprises me how long its been since that's happened. You know, a really good mood. Sometimes it's brought on by one really great thing (such as really good, multi-orgasmic sex), sometimes its random and out of the blue, and sometimes its a combination of things.

Today was a combination of things, but I'd like to start out with the big one that sparked the good mood:
For my birthday, my parents bought me two Ani Difranco tickets to her concert in Vienna that's this August. My tickets are for the Orchestra section, Row E. Which is five rows from the stage. (view diagram)
It's enough to make anyone giddy. I was bouncing about my house for a bit, and then of course I called Colby and invited her down to VA to visit that week so she could go with me to the concert. I really hope we can work it out, I miss her a lot. Just thinking about August (besides the idea of how insanely hot it's going to be) gives me that I-can't-wait-feel. Wee! 5th row! Geez...

Natasha called me into work for like three hours tonight (6-9) because there was only two people scheduled for then and you need three to take dinner breaks and tens.
You know what I did today at work?
I worked the bar for the first time. Meaning I made a crapload of lattes, cappuccino, and various other drinks (and as always, I made lots of Frappes). This made me feel very accomplished for some strange reason. Working the bar is fun, but I haven't worked it during a rush hour so I don't know if my opinion would remain the same or not.

Some drunk came in to Starbucks around 8:30. He's a silly drunk, but still he was very much flirting with Natasha, to the point where he gave her his number. I felt strangely protective of Natasha � I was keeping an eye on him, especially when he drunkenly put his arm around her (which is completely inappropriate). If he had gotten any more familiar, I'd probably have hit him over the head with my mop.
Of course, Natasha is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, but still. I'm talking instinct. I don' t know if I actually would have done that...
What's ever so comforting is that he drives when drunk. Oohh that irritates me so much... People who drive when they're drunk/high. I used to swear I'd never get in a car with someone who was drunk/high and behind the wheel, but I've already done that once (never again, I promise!).

To top my day off, I found the best radio station. I've lived here what, five months now and it took me this long to find a radio station that doesn't play the same fifteen songs from MTV's top list (ie hip hop and avril) over and over again. It's an Alternative/Light Metal/Etc. station and I listened to it while driving home. I was such a dork, dancing about in my seat while listening and driving. I felt like driving to someone's house, picking them up, and then just driving around the Parkway a couple dozen times. Hehe.

I've expanded my instate college search a bit and you can see a nifty little table (here). At this point (before visiting any of them), my first choice is Christopher Newport (which I don't think I'll get into). I am going to visit all of those eventually though. I don't think I'd get into UVa-Wise. I'm not sure if it's even worth the trip down there (its in the very southern-western tip of Virginia) or the application fee. They said on their site that preference was given to Advanced Diploma students. I would have been an Advanced Diploma student too, had I lived here all four years.

I'm working on a little college section on my bit of webspace... just an organizational tool for myself. It's going to be very unpolished (like that link above, nothing fancy, just the bare bones), but I'm too lazy to make it purty when I'll probably be the only one reading it anyway.

All right, the tiredness is starting to take the reigns. I need to go brush my teeth and go to bed.

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