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Untitled (IV) : 03.21.03 @ 3:18 pm

My diary has turned into one of those boring, whiny day logs, for which I apologize.
This fact actually disgusts me to the point where I considered leaving this diary, but that'd be a waste of money, don't you think?
Maybe a change in layout will get me out of this "blah" moment of my dairy. I swear, this brown color pulls ya down!

It doesn't help that I've been busy bending over backwards (and sideways) lately. I think I'll get a bear costume and learn how to ride a unicycle and juggle. You think colleges will want a juggling bear on a unicycle?
I should get that bear suit and show up to my interview with Ithaca wearing it.
For some reason I don't think that'll help my chances.

Today in Philosiphy class we did something that involved girls on one side of the room and boys on the other. Basicly, after going over a philosipher who totally disses women, we (those with vaginas) were making up a list of all the things that we don't like about men (hell, where to start?). So I ended up on the girl's side, looking over at Adam (Why did I just start to write Ryan?) and saying -
Am I the only one that feels out of place?
He laughs. I'm not, it turns out. I think the whole gay thing throws off our gender just slightly. Adam is such a femmey gay boi who fell out of Abercombie and Fitch. (giggles) I love fags. They're so great. Really. If you don't have a gay or bisexual friend (you probably do), you need to go out and get one.

I hate stress. Really, I do. Not that anyone loves stress but... yea.
I'm not digging this whole college thing. I don't like kissing ass, I don't like bending over backwards saying "TAKE ME! PLEASE! TAKE ME OR I'LL END UP WORKING AT McDONALDS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE!"

Oh all right. Maybe not that dramatic.

All right. This short, meaningless entry is going to be cut even shorter because I need to get ready for work.

Let's hope I don't do anything stupid like oh, drop a gallon of milk and have it break all over the back room.
Or leave the drip open. Or spill coffee all over myself. Or or or....
It all has happened.


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