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Toffe Nut Latte : 02.06.03 @ 6:22 pm

Despite last entry's "fuck photography", as soon as that entry was saved I got out my camera, loaded it with some good old Kodak C-41 and went for a walk.
I miss Maine. In Maine I could walk down the road and maybe see one or two cars pass. Or I could walk through the woods and see nothing of man. Here... well here the only place to walk to is Starbucks. So I did. I shot about fourteen frames on the way, of everything from gutters to dumpsters to my feet.
If I can't show the beauty in the world, might as well show the ugly. Like the rotting, bloody chicken behind the chicken chain store that I will not name. Wonder how that will look in black and white. Oh. And the car that was parked in a handicapped parking spot, did not have a handicapped license or handicapped blue tag... yet had a giant box of Christian books in the back seat. Oh the irony. I wonder if I could turn the photo into the DMV (I got their license number) and make them pay the $250 fine. Nah. Too much effort.

So I took those fourteen (or sixteen?) frames with no regard to what someone else would think or how much it was going to cost to develop it (C-41 is color process but comes out b/w, so I can't do it at school). I just... took pictures of things that caught my eye. And man did that chicken reek...

(Of course, once I eventually came home I found that my family was serving chicken for supper. It always works out that way).

I walked into Starbucks. Realized that the coffee I've been craving all day isn't carried at the Starbucks I'm going to work at and even if they did I'd have to buy the bag, take it home, and make it myself. Bah. So I ordered a Toffee Nut Latte, in a random manner (as in I looked at the board and picked the first one that caught my eye). The guy at the register recognized me as the new girl (that doesn't have an employee number yet, so I can't officially get discounts) so he typed in his number so I could get the employee discount. :-) Nice people I'm going to work with! I'm afraid I was a bit out of it - hope their first impression wasn't too negative or anything. But really, when you haven't slept more then seven hours in two days and you just cried for a good ten minutes, anyone would be out of it...

The Toffee Nut Latte was really. really. good. I only ordered a Tall (the small ones) and I felt like going to the counter and asking for some more, but I only had 80 cents (of my brother's money, all my money went to a gold account) left and I really don't want to know the nutritional value of the Toffee Nut Latte (though I could find out). I'm so tired... no, tired again is too weak of a word. I hope we have a snow day tomorrow because I could sleep straight through tomorrow (and I need the extra time to study for Chemistry).

The Girl I mentioned in my last entry? Oh-so-hot. I'd like to know what the fuck is up with my latest taste (no pun intended) for femme (see straight) women. The funny thing is I couldn't tell you a thing about below her neck. I just don't notice things like that normally. She has curly (in the crimpy way) blonde hair, blue eyes (I think?) and a gorgeous smile. Every time I've talked to her we've gotten into deep philosophical conversations (considering we're in philosophy together, that's not surprising.) Hmm. Yea. Philosophical conversations - what a turn on (lol, I'm actually serious).
So I get to sit next to her every day for the rest of the semester and try not to get too distracted.

I think I'm going to go take a nap now...


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