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Drugs are bad. : 02.03.03 @ 9:33 pm

Imagine, if you will, me in my normal, everyday clothes. The clothes I'd choose to wear. What might these be? Guy's baggy pants, either khakis or cargos, a unisex or guy's T-shirt. Sports bra and boxers, no make up, and men's leather sketcher boots. So, I'm sort of clich� butch-dyke in a lot of ways. Nothing wrong with that.

Now, imagine that someone like this is forced to dress up all nice and formal like. Girl's black dress pants that actually show that I have an ass. Dress shirt that would show cleavage if I had cleavage. Make up, sparkly pink underwire bra, thong to avoid panty line (sure the hell couldn't wear boxers with these pants), and black boots with a heel of at least three inches (ouch).

Needless to say, I look a bit out of place in this outfit. What really got me was the thong. Now, we're not going to go into how badly I look in just a thong because thankfully, the majority of you will never have to witness such a horrible sight. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it feels really nice to be back in boxers.

Why did I dress up? I had a court date. See, in Virginia, when you get your actual drivers license (not just the three month one that they gave me back in December), you have to go to court and have the judge lecture you for a bit before getting your license.
The "court" is actually a High School with a big auditorium, filled with teenagers and their parents. Most of whom ignored the "formal attire" thing on the invitation. I would have too, but my mother is a stickler for those things.

Anyway, the judge and a cop spend at least twenty minutes each lecturing us about how bad drugs and alcohol are and how we should be good safe drivers and not drink and drive - hell be good safe kids and don't do drugs and alcohol period.
I think that once they're over the age of thirty, most adults will forget that they were ever teenagers. Or at least, the ones that make up these stupid lectures have forgotten. When are they going to remember that if the kid hasn't understood that drugs are bad by the time they reach high school its too late?! By this time, most teenagers have had beer, have done at least pot, and have been around the block a few times. It's too late. If you as a parent haven't talked to your kids about drugs before they hit junior high school, well you might as well just sit back and enjoy the ride.

I fully believe that a 16 year old is responsible enough to live up to his or her actions, if they aren't, well then they better learn how to be quickly before they do something stupid that will change their life forever.

There's another thing that annoyed me about this judge. Besides lecturing us on things we already know, she had a habit of killing her adverbs (ie, saying "quick" instead of "quickly"). This lady went to law school? Maybe it's the Virginia influence.

I accidentally gave one of my banners more "oomph" then I meant to (oops), so it'll be around for awhile. I think I'm only going to post a new banner every month or so, in order to conserve the remaining banner impressions that I have. For now, I'll just sit back and watch as all these visitors pour onto my diary (-waves to the new visitors-). In the past twenty four hours or so, 97 people have graced my diary through them.

Okay. Now I really need to write that essay...


P.S. I ended up with a C+ (by one fucking point) in AP English. Pooh. It was because of my final, which I failed. The final is split into two sections, one being the stuff we do in class and the other one being things that will be on the AP exam in May. I totally bombed the part we did in class. But the other part, the AP exam bit? I did better on that then any of her students in any of her classes.
Oh, the irony.

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