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Drama and Dilemma : 01.29.03 @ 8:47 pm

I think it is some unwritten law of nature that if you go to someone's house, you will clog their toilet.
There's just no getting around it. No matter how little toilet paper you use, or how much you didn't shit, their toilet will clog. I think there's some sort of censor on toilets and goes "hmmm. This person's ass isn't normally on my seat, I think I'll clog just for him..."

Despite that, it was the easiest twelve bucks anyone could ever make. I watched Scooby Doo and was only really alone with the kid for about forty minutes. The other half, Mrs. O's boyfriend was there. He just couldn't be there alone with the kids because he was on call and there was a chance he'd have to get up and leave in the middle (or something like that) of babysitting. So, I sat around and watched Scooby Doo and helped a four year old read a book. Easy money.
Oh, and Mrs. O is still a very attractive woman. Hee. It's too bad that she wasn't born twenty years later and as a lesbian. Ah, well. Her boyfriend is a lucky man.

I think there's something about my online persona that attracks attracts women to me. I'm not saying that my online persona is any different from the real me... hell I don't know what I'm saying. But I've lost track of the amount of women who've confessed a crush/asked me out online. A few men, too. Now of course I have a few dilemmas: one is that J is trying to figure out a way to hook up with me Thursday or Friday morning, Adriane (who I will get around to calling in a bit) and I have something planned Sunday, I'm going to be in Philly on Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. On top of all this, I have a huge ass essay for English that is due on Wednesday.

Jesus, girl have you heard of loading up your plate with too many things to do?!
I can't help it.
Sure you can, moron.

Another dilemma - I really do like J. A lot. Not quite to the stage of like-like yet (hey, remember elementary school?) but to the stage where I'd really like to get to know her better, despite her whole disorganization when it comes to planning things (which may have been just a misunderstanding). So if I'm looking for a possible future relationship with J, I shouldn't have said "yes" to Adriane when she asked me to the movies (to finally see Chicago! lol) on Sunday.
Why did I say yes? Well. She seems really sweet. A bit old for me (she's 20), but sweet and funny and I'd defiantly like to meet her. And I'd still like to go to see Chicago with her, damnit.

The flip side to J is that she's not firm on what she is, not that it matters a whole lot to me. She doesn't know if she's bisexual or lesbian or whatever. What I just don't want to happen is the lovely "oops, sorry, I'm straight" routine.
No need to be the next Melissa Etheridge minus the talent and the whole being the lesbian couple in the spot-light thing. Woo. Tabloids!.

(What's weird about this whole entry is that Adriane reads my diary -waves to Adriane-).

music: Classical
mood: ggrarch!

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