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Bad Lightening : 01.24.03 @ 11:26 pm

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Heee. Sometimes I'm surprised at my own humor. Once I get hooked up with a gold account, that will be one of my banners. So be on the look out!

The major surprise of the day: I got an 87 on my Algebra test.
May not be that big of a deal to most people, but to me - well let's put it this way. I nearly fell alseep in the middle of the test and on my last test, I got a 67.
See? The improvement that comes with studying.

I did, however, fall asleep in Psych. It's really sad when you can sleep through the whole period and not miss anything important.

Oohh guess what I did today? I drove by myself for the first time and no laws were broken, no one died, and no one was hurt.
Granted, I drove down my street and cut through a parking lot in order to get to Starbucks, but still...
I'm now officially hired on by Starbucks. Woo. Of course, I find out after I get the job that I need to take half my earrings out and that the "coffee school" is pretty far away. Oh well. It's a good job, so it's worth it. Wee. So stoked to start working :-).

I'm sorry for the nothingness entry.
Its just that nothing of note really happened today.
Well. Some guy in the dark room after school was developing pictures of a girl's... uh... well let's just say that it was porn. Not nude art, but porn. Heh. My only comment? The lightening was bad.
I see a nude, spread eagled girl, fully exposed and all I can think is that the lightening was bad?!
What's wrong with me?!
Mental Note: Must work on thinking like a normal teenager for once.


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