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Dirty Match Girl : 01.23.03 @ 11:08 pm

This morning, I wake up five minutes early to take a shower and still have time for breakfast. I stumble blindly into my bathroom, strip, and hop around naked in my small bathroom, attempting to avoid the pile of dirty laundry that is my floor (yea, so I'm not the most organized or clean person, I know). I turn on the shower.
Nothing. Nothing happens.
There's no water. I wrap a towel around me, put on the hoodie I slept in (cold here in the mornings) and go upstairs to inform the parental units.
I ended up dumping ice cold bottled water on my head in order to control my bed head, taking some wet whipe thingies and doing a sponge bath, as well as washing my face, before going to school. Yea, I know. Unclean teenager. Ick.
Turns out the water meter was frozen, which is something you'd expect from Maine, not Virginia! But it never happened back in Maine, just here in the backwards suburbs of DC.
It's been ridiculously cold down here lately. In the teen's when the normal January weather is in the 40's and 50's. I've had a few people playfully accuse me of bringing the cold weather with me. Yes. I want to freeze various appendages off every night because Virginia's homes have shitty heating systems.
I'm tempted to strike some matches and start a fire in my room. Be the dirty little Match Girl.
Except for the whole dying in the streets bit.
Hans Christian Anderson was definatly not Disney material. Neither, come to think of it, were the Grimm Brothers...

My day was better then the past few, though that's not really saying much. My counselor thought I was nuts when I told her I was thinking about dropping down from AP English to general (I had a B+ at interns), and right now I'm "thinking about it". And I actually am � I worked on my English paper for a bit today and talked to Mrs. O about an extension (I have until Tuesday to read those books I didn't read and write a rough draft).
I'm not going to Philly next weekend, though on Saturday I am seeing Chicago (finally!) with J. I'm probably going to drive myself there (eek), see the movie, convince her to have supper with me, and then drive her back to her house (eek squared). I have little to no confidence in my driving skills around here. It's easier then it looks, but the other drivers are crazy fuckers who don't use their turn signals and speed through red lights at busy intersections.

You know that itchy rash I had awhile ago? I think I'm allergic to my family. The doctor prescribes as little contact with the irritant as possible.
Like that's going to happen.

I'm disgusted with myself for all this day log shit I've been writing lately, but I just don't have the energy to write a real-from-the-heart entry right now. And yes, it does take a lot of energy, more then I have right now.
So I apologize. Wait a minute � what am I apologizing for? You don't have to read it.
Actually, new cosmic law.
You stop reading my diary and the earth stops spinning.
(wonders vaguely what would happen if the Earth stopped spinning)


mood: tired
music: Classical Playlist
Swappingtons: Got 7 points today, added that to the points I had left over after "buying" The Green Mile and "bought" Forrest Gump. No. I am not dealing with a Tom Hanks fetish. They are both good movies, only I haven't seen Forrest Gump yet.

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