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Conspiracy Theory : 01.22.03 @ 11:06 pm

There comes a point in a bad day where you start to wonder if there's some cosmic conspiracy against you.
I really wouldn't be surprised if there was at this point.
In my previous entry, I talked about all the things that are currently causing me stress and I'd like to add a few. Today, I caught and cleaned not one, but two trojan viruses. I downloaded the Nortan trial to keep it safe until I can convince Mum and Dad to pull $50 out of their asses to protect this baby from nasty worms and shit. I take very good care of this baby, a virus scan once a week (of everything), an addware scan every other week, and I have all my settings (privacy, etc) of my browser set to medium-high. Anyway, yea I had a virus earlier. I doubt any of you (through email and AIM transfers) could have caught it, but run a scan just to be sure.
Speaking of AIM, mine isn't working. I even went so far as to uninstall it and reinstall it, loosing all of my away messages, my carefully tweeked settings, etc. Not only is my username not working, but there was something funky with the program itself. For awhile at least, my aim is fiercelingua. It's been my secondary sn for awhile now, you might as well add it to your list.

I couldn't study much for my Chemistry. I did try, really, but I just couldn't concentrate. My mind is still too disconnected.

Something that I've noticed even more then usual lately is the amount of sites on the internet that ask you personal shit for their own capitalist needs. My street address shouldn't be a required field unless the thing I'm signing up for involves shipping things to me (like Swappingtons), so why do so many companies do it? You just know that they're reselling all your information - age, gender, sex, birthday, address, email, phone number, etc. to those corporations that send you junk mail. It's just inevitable. You sign up for an innocent email address and BAM your street address is cluttered with more shit.
Not that any of us actually use our real address for that, so I don't suppose it matters now does it?

In some way, I feel this great relief from unofficially not having AP English anymore. On the other hand - I really did like that class most of the time. If I hadn't missed that first quarter... Mrs. O is one of those amazing teachers that loves her chosen subject so much that she lights up if you mention literature in any form. She just loves to teach and is damn good at it, too. I'm hoping that her general English class isn't full, because I'd like to transfer to that. It probably is of course. Ah well.

I thought I'd inform y'all about the "swap" link under "Other". It's a link to my profile, where I have all the things I'm "selling". Feel free to make an offer :-). Or, if you haven't signed up for Swappington's yet, sign up and you were refereed by fiercelingua.

I'll go back to writing my nicer, more interesting entries in a bit when I'm not so tired and burnt.

mood: blank
music: Classical Playlist

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