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Reflections : 01.20.03 @ 9:09 pm

I got absolutely nothing acomplished today.
Okay, so I did. I went to a Town Center and took pictures for my Reflections assignment. My photography teacher is a tad senile (eventually, I'll make a special archive page for all the times I've bitched about my photography teacher) and decided that she'd give us an assignment that requires lots of light and being outdoors in the middle of January which tends to be fucking cold and have shitty weather.
And what are these pictures of? Store windows. No, I'm not shitting you.
Normally, I do portraits (view some). I love taking pictures of people.
So I'm walking around this ritzy town center (think high-end brand names that charge several hundred dollars for something skimpy), freezing my ass off. Well actually, my ass has enough padding that it really didn't freeze that much, but my hands did because I couldn't wear gloves (taking pictures, hard to set the shutter speed and shit with gloves).

Eventually, I found a way to take pictures of people. I focused in on something - a store window, glazed granite, etc. and just stood there for however long it took for someone to walk by and appear in the reflection and CLICK!
Poor souls never even knew what was coming. Eventually, I had lots of fun taking pictures of people without them knowing it. Most of them thought I was completely nuts. The looks I got made the whole thing worth it! One lady (who was one of my intended subjects) stopped and asked me why I didn't just go inside to take pictures, because I'd get the glare.
That's the point, I said simply.
She gave me this look that seemed to read - Oh well she's the artist, she must be doing something deep and meaningful... either that or she's nuts.

Let's hope its the former and that some of those pictures actually come out and I wasnt just wasting film.

Other then that I did... nothing. I didn't work on my English essay, I didn't study for Chemistry or Algebra. My Chemistry test was supposed to be tomorrow, but Brian (who will hopefully be my future boss) called and said my job interview was tomorrow around three. Of course I'd rather have a job interview then subject myself to a test in Chemistry of all subjects.
I love Brian's accent. If I end up working for him, his very thick Jamaican accent will never cease to amuse me.

Next weekend will be spent doing one of these things:
- learning how to work at Starbucks
- in Philly checking out Arcadia Univesrity and my pictures at the exhibit at Drexel
- home, doing homework. Might possibly ask Jess to see either Chicago or The Hours with me. Dinner and a movie? Sounds like a plan. Let's hope she actually wants to see me again.

I keep on telling myself that I will keep this layout through the month. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this layout, but every month or so I get itchy feet. I see the same thing every day, its no wonder why I like a change once a month. Don't worry, my Feb. layout will still have the same class that this one does. I'm thinking less ass crack and more cleavage and/or nipples. What do you think? Feel free to comment on my board. Any suggestions on future layout are very welcome. Or, perhaps you think I should keep this one for the short month of Feb as well?

music: starry eyed surprise

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