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The things you say : 01.19.03 @ 7:31 pm

It does seem to me like that was more like a date then anything, but then again everytime you meet a new person its almost like a courtship - you get to know a person and decide what you think. On some level of consiousness you're thinking about if they'd make a good possible significant other, it is human nature after all.
When she walked in, I was terribly afraid that she'd be very negatively preppy, I'm ashamed to say I made that quick conection between the clothes she wears and possible personality traits.
Which was horrible to do because clothes really don't make the person.
Anyway. I enjoyed my time with her. She's fun to talk to and be with and I had a good time.
We watched Fight Club and at the end of the movie my Mum came home and was rather surprised to see that I was essentionally home alone with a girl (Dad's a bit slow at times and he had left for church with my younger sister so it was just me, J, and my brother but my brother stays in his room all the time).
She and I went downstairs and Mum called me up and skirted about the issue.
We're going to have to have a talk.
Really? About what?
About you and...
She can't really say it but I get her point. About me and bringing girls home.
It's not like we had wild lesbian sex, we didn't hold hands and barely touched at all. This may be the 21st century, but you still don't do that on the first "date". Most of the time, at least.
Yes so I found her attractive on all levels and would definatly go out on an actual date with her and get in a relationship with her, if she wished.

Why does that sound like the end of one of those tv shows where you go on a date and its video taped and then you talk about your impressions.
I wonder if somewhere, in some diary, she's writing similar things down. Or the exact opposite.

I think first dates are a lot like job interviews. Some of the questions are actually similar. What do you want to do when you get out of high school? What is your favorite aspect of your personality? What don't you like about yourself? etc, etc. I'll just have to think about it that way when I go to my job interview on Monday. It's essentionally a date with Starbucks. Do they want my body or not?

mood: relatively happy.
music: You're Unbeliveable - Jock Jams

~Post Script~
(AIM Convo)
Her: did i make a good first impression?
Me: of course.
Her: you have gorgeous eyes just a free compliment there.
Me: Thank you. And I liked your hair. It looked very soft.

That's an excited girly (rare moment of girlish giggly-ness!) sound for those of you who don't know

I did like her hair, too. And her smile... and the rest of her body.... hmmm...

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