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{date?} : Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 @ 10:55 pm

I think I've been going a little {bracket} crazy lately but that's okay because I find them strangely purty.

Despite an upsurge of missing (and worrying about) certain friends (Colby, Ryan, Kate, Sarah...), I'm absurdly hyper right now. That girl I mentioned before? Well her name is Jessie and she attends a different school then mine but lives in the same town (if I repeat myself from my previous entry, I apologize). I met her online yesterday, we've had a few conversations since then. She interests me. She's attractive (if a bit more femme then my normal tastes), an interesting conversationalist, and she likes poetry (which is a good indication that she can't be all that bad lol). Anyway, I asked her to go see Chicago with me on Friday evening or Saturday afternoon/evening. So well yea... It's not exactly a date. Or is it? I'm a bit confused by the modern definition of "date" and the difference between "dating" and "significant other". Is there some sort of step between "someone I date" and your lady? Ahhh I so don't know how to do this. I've never been out on a date with someone who I wasn't already in a relationship with (Kate and I did the usual U-Haul thing. Met her on Saturday, we were girlfriends on Sunday. Kind of skipped over this stage, or rather, filled it in as we went along).
I'm terrified that I'm going to show up and she's going to think I'm a complete cow/dog/some other unpleasant farm animal. Christ, what am I going to wear? What do I do? Is this a date or just two people attending a movie they mutually want to see? Do I pay? I'm so confused... I'd ask how do I act, but that's a simple answer- like myself. My normal charming self seems to work wonders so I won't worry too much about that (lol, that's a joke. Sort of).

Wish I could write more about confusion not related to this weekend, but it's really too late to go into gender identity and bitching about society. I'm just too tired. I didn't even finish my homework. I'll probably finish it tomorrow morning during first period. Perhaps. If I kiss the librarian's (I work as a Library Aid first period) ass. Now that's an unpleasant thought.

mood: :bounce:
music: Imperfectly - Ani Difranco

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