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Untitled IX : 09.07.03 @ 12:14 am

I had to refresh my "add entry" page because the banner was some Christian propaganda that made me want to gag.
Yea. So I can be bitter when it comes to religion.

Today's thing to be proud of: I drove to Felicia's (see digital eye) house, which is in a different part of the county.
This may not seem like a big thing, but my confidence is shakey when it comes to my directional skills and this is Northern Virginia, where people who have lived here all their lives get lost.
I went to my first football game and probably didn't actually watch more then two minutes of it. I think I didn't even realize that the game had started until the second quarter.
I spent most of the time talking with Felicia, who's in colorguard (as you can tell by the picture). Fun stuff.

I really should have gone to [Felicia's High School] instead of Herndon, I'd probably fit in better. Silly me and pushing for Herndon High.

Spent the night there. We were both so tired I think it was maybe midnight when we fell asleep.

What's got to be the most annoying Starbucks customer thing is when they ask for the drinks, you write it down, and then call it back to them.
Then you call it to the other barista. Then half the time they'll repeat it while punching it into the register.
So far the customer has heard it three times.
Then they get their drink. And it's not what they wanted.

AP Lit is a giant soul eater. There is no way I can do all of this work and keep my sanity, let alone pass the AP Exam. And I stubbornly refuse to read Moby Dick. Even though it's not required, it's my impression that there's a 40% chance that it'll be on the exam, which is saying something considering they don't tell us anything about what books will be on the exam.

It's 12:30 in the morning, I'm tired and lonely.
Which is making me feel pathetic and insecure.

Sometimes teddy bears just aren't enough.


P.S. I bought two 12 can cases of Fanta today. I had to harrass the Food Lion dude to go into the backroom and get it for me, but I have my Fanta. This is good.

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