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Idiot. : 05.20.03 @ 5:54 pm

She's just so... interesting. Cute in the way that you notice after the second time you see her. A big math "dork", I seem to be attracted to those a lot. Compliments my total lack of math skills. They always were better at... geometry (read: inside joke; see isosceles triangles. Compare to female anatomy.).
I was walking down the hallway after third period, wondering if I was going to see her again in the hallways.
I normally see her after third period, but I didn't the past few days for some reason.

Right as I'm thinking this, all of the sudden I hear a "hey" and there she is, standing right besides me as I start down the stairs.
She immediately starts of with a side comment about staying after for History these past few days.
And then we talk for the few minutes between classes.
Well, she talks.
I ramble, like usual.

Then proceed to spend the rest of the day saying to myself and even to a girl I talk to all the time in Photography but whose name escapes me � "Why couldn't you just shut up?! Why did you have to ramble about silly, stupid, pointless things? You sounded like such a moron, you idiot....&^%!@".

I am such an idiot.

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