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Conspiracy Theories & SATs : 02.22.03 @ 2:33 pm

You know when you have your headphones plugged into the computer speakers and you hear that fuzzy humm noise? I have this theory that computers have this program in them that creates secret codes in this humming noise that will take over a person's free will and soon, Microsoft will take over the world!

insert evil laughter here

Of course, most people don't sit at the computer with their head phones plugged in but not playing anything, so I think the world is safe. For now. Until Microsoft comes up with an even more cunning plan to rule the world.

My computer speakers, as well as my headphones, are officially dead. Both of them. I had an old set that I tried to plug in to see if they'd work, but they didn't work any better. I guess that's what you get for not buying the speakers seprately from the computer.
Yet another thing to add to the list of things-I-want. Luckily, I'm going to pick up my pay check today (even though I was supposed to yesterday, I never got around to it) so I might be able to actually buy these things that I need/want. Two things being new speakers and headphones, the other being the latest Ani Difranco albulm that comes out in March.

It's official. I'm a big dork. I was up late last night with the SAT study book having the best time doing the Verbal practices. The verbal section of any standardized test always has come ridiculously easy to me and if I'm in the right mood, can even be considered fun.
The math section however is another story. There's got to be something wrong when there's over a one hundred point difference between my verbal score and my math score.
On the topic of SATs, my goal is a 1300 - a seven hundred on the verbal and a six hundred on the math. I can do it, but I'll settle for a seven hundred on the verbal and well... less then a six hundred on the math.

The thing that irritates me about the SATs brings me back to my various conspiracy theories (and no, I do not suffer from various paranoia related psychoses) and my dislike for monopolies (spelling).
One company virtutally decides if I (and every other Amercian student) gets into the college of their choice. One company has major clout in that decision all through how they set up the test, how they grade the test, the questions they ask, blah blah blah.
Standardized tests are all bull shit - the SAT, the AP exams... they're not testing you on how well you know a subject but rather how well you can crack the test.
Something like that should not help decide my future.

Seven members of Lesbian Mafia so far. Come on. You know you want to join, you know you want the purty ring code on your page. You know you want to be able to make lovely posts on the diary and bask in the attention of various lesbians thruoghout diaryland....

(Can you tell I'm using not-so subliminal messanging to get my point across?)


P.S. There's something I'd like to get at swappingtons... so if any of you want to go here and buy something from me so I can get points, it'd be appreciated.

Or, if you don't have a swappingtons account (I don't see how you could not, seeing Andrew has banners plastered EVERYWHERE on diaryland for it...), set one up, say fiercelingua reffered you, and then post something of your own. Please? Pretty Please?

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