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Candy Corn : 10.04.03 @ 10:47 pm

Hands down, the best thing about fall is the candy corn.
(*munches on candy corn*)
After the candy corn, the pretty colors on the trees are a close second.
But of course, I live in the DC Metro Area so there ARE no trees. Well, there is, but not from the New England stand point.

I'm going bald.
No, I'm serious. I have this bald spot on the side of my head (hidden by another layer of hair) that I *think* is getting bigger because the area around it is thinner then I think it was a few weeks ago.
It's kind of scary/depressing. I'm a seventeen year old female. I don't think it's permeant or progressing, but what if it is? What causes it? My eating habits? The huge amount of stress lately? And how long until I grow it back damnit? I like my hair! It's like one of my best features, next to my eyes. So yea. Bah to stress and bad diets.

I love fall, it's my favorite season. My only issue with fall is that the change in temperature does a number on my asthma so I've been coughing like a smoker whose longs want to jump out of my chest in protest. It's seriously a deep, hacking, phlem-producing cough. Nastiness.

It was insanely busy at work today due to a silly thing called homecoming. I started work at three, and by five I was so out of it and gone that I barely felt it when I spilt 165F coffee on my hands... twice. Complete autopilot. On the outside, I had my nice barista polite smile going on.
Hello sir, how are you today?
I'm good, you?
I'm good...

Lies always precede truths.
I wasn't good. I wanted to go into the bathroom and find something sharp and dig into my palms. To make things real again.
(or maybe take away the reality?)

Or at least go home, curl up in bed with someone and just take in the warmth.
That sounds good even now.

I have so many things to do. I never do anything on weekends. Probably due to lack of motivation. I work so hard during the week, it increases the temptation to be a lazy ass on the weekends.

A Perfect Circle is one of the few leftovers from my so called "goth phase". When I did the holes in the sleeves, the Hot Topic splurges, the dark music, the extensive journal writing, the dark moody poems, the black clothing, the "fun" with razors.
Despite the fact that it does remind me of this time in my life, I still enjoy their music.
It also reminds me of Matt, even though I can't remember if he liked APC or not.
There was always something about Matt. What an crazy manipulative sadistic ass hole. He really was/is. Yet at the same time, so many people, myself included, were/are drawn to him. Quite unexplainable.

I did a layout for Kristyn (locked) yesterday:


My Betta, Chai, died the other night. I wasn't too surprised.

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