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Blank Look : 02.20.03 @ 10:46 pm

I'm so tired, I don't even know why I'm bothering to write an entry because I doubt it will be even remotely coherant.

More people should update on Thursdays, hardly anyone is ever doing things online on Thursdays... I wonder why...

Today I was ever so productive. Stayed up until four last night and was woken up by my mother screaming at me from the other room around nine.
Last night I was my normal genius self and spilt a glass of sprite all over the keyboard, the desk, my lap, my chair... so I switched keyboards with the old computer with plans to clean the new(er) keyboard today and let it dry over night.
My mother was pissed because she doesn't like the old keyboard. Instead of doing the sensible thing and just switching it back (which she is perfectly capable of doing, she'd done it before), she bitched and screamed until I got up and sleepily did it myself.

And that is why I ran on five hours of sleep today.

Did my AP US History homework and went to work. I had to walk to work because the battery died in Mum's car and I would have been late if I had waited for her to figure out how to jump start the damned thing.

No intresting stories to tell of work today, I'm afraid.

So now I sit here, my feet sore and grumbling, my eyes barely open - trying to think of something to write about that might entertain you. Or at least make you think.
I don't think it's going to happen tonight.

It's funny how fuzzy my old life - in Maine - feels after only four months. I can barely remember my daily routine in Maine. The only thing that really stands out in my fuzzy memory are my walks home with Ryan.
Maybe that's because that's the only part of my daily routine that was memorable.

I wonder if I'll make real friends down here...
Will I meet anyone down here worth remembering? I spent eleven years in one town and I only met four people worth remembering, so I doubt it.

Something that saddens me is that out of these four people, I'm only really keeping in touch on a weekly basis with one - well. One and a half.


Updated my (bio) page.
My March layout is done. Good thing Feb is so short, I can't wait to post my new layout.
Oh. And there's a dead spider on my wall. Perhaps I should wipe it off?

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