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The End In Sight : 12.20.03 @ 2:50 pm

I can't help but wonder if I should close up shop on this diary.
It just doesn't do it for me anymore - I'm not expressing what I want to express and the people who read this either aren't the right people or don't understand what I want to express.
Doesn't make sense, I know.

Maybe I'm just beyond the point in my life where I get anything from having a public diary. It used to be a wonderful form of expression, a wonderful way to meet people, and a great way to boost my own confidence. It used to help me work out my demons, it used to help me sit back and look at my feelings objectively, and get feedback from others regarding events, my writing, etc.
It just doesn't do that for me any longer. If anything, I feel like it's hindering any personal development.

I'm not saying that I'm closing up this diary... I'm just saying that it's a valid thought of mine. Perhaps I just won't update the super gold membership when it runs out in January/February.


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