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Worries : 10.31.03 @ 10:35 pm

Constantly akward.
I am never comfortable in large groups. I either have to mentally block out most of the group or just withdraw into my little corner, silently uttering a few akward, out of place words.
This is why I need the cuddling. I need the touch, the reassurance that I'm not making as big of a fool of myself that I feel like I'm making.
I want what everyone else does. To be loved and appreciated. Only I'm so needy that I just have to have that reassurance...
I should probably talk to someone about that. Someone being that elusive psychologist that I will never have.

My cat is licking his crotch. He pauses, looks up at me, his legs all askew, as if to say, Don't you wish you could do this?

No one came to our house trick or treating. So I have this huge basket of skittles and starbursts to munch on. All the candy is leaving my mouth with that dry, scratchy feeling that makes my braces particularly painful.
I suppose that's a sign to do something, but what I'm not sure.

I drove down to [city] to see Felicia and Jim at Jim's little get-to-gether.

It's not their fault. Or anyone else's who I hang out with. I just naturally become more introvered around multiple people. Quieter. Doubtful. Stupid. Akward. Nothing I say comes out right. Everything about me is wrong, is out of place, and I just want to hide in the corner and under a pillow, hoping to sink into the couch and not be particularly noticed.
I did, however, get a rather good idea for a photo shoot. I want to take a roll of color and maybe black and white... then drag Jim into the whole deal. Make him do funky things infront of a strobe light while I use a really slow shutter speed and then a really fast one. I think the effect would be really cool.
I left a little early. I have a huge essay that's due after this four day break. The problem is, I'm going to be in New York (visiting Ithaca College) for three of those days and I haven't even finished the book the essay is on.

Driving home was the first time I've driven on a big highway at night. It was weird... I would follow the lines to make sure I wasn't going to go off the road, and then I'd zone out and my eyes would do that out-of-focus weird thing. Which is rather scary. I can feel it, in my gut, that I'm going to get in a car accident and it's going to be a biggie. I'm not sure why I feel like this. But I always have, even before I started driving. Perhaps I have just a slight fear of cars.

I sent my Bennington College application in last Tuesday. Certified Mail informs me that it arrived yesterday at 9:19 am.
Now that it's in, three things are worrying me...
(1.) I won't get in.
(2.) I'll get in, but the aid will suck, and I'll have to transfer at the end of the semester and spend a ridiculous sum on just that one semester.
(3.) I'll get in and hate it.
I really doubt that number three will happen, but it makes my list of worries none the less.


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