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Super Barista Silliness : 09.07.03 @ 9:35 pm

This will be a quick entry consisting entirely of silliness.

I've decided that my new life's ambition will be to become a superhero. I shall be called Super Barista and my powers shall consist of squirting espresso from my finger tips, carmel from my nipples, and whipped cream from... yea. There.
That will be my day job.
The other day I was trying to push Dean on some of my friends, making them read the stuff and talking about him and all that... Then at the end I'd always be:
"And I have stickers!! Do you want stickers?!"
It's been decided that the new campaign against drugs will be "Do stickers not drugs"

I will have my trenchcoat. I will stand on street corners near the elementary schools with my shifty eyes and accoust all little kids...
"I have stickers. Do you want stickers?"

That scratch and sniff will get them addicted everytime.


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