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Recap, Ani, Friends, and Ogunquit : 08.16.03 @ 8:02 pm

I had to escape into my grandfather's room [where his laptop is] before I got nabbed to do dishes.
I'm not just being lazy, I did set the table, cleared it, and got desert.

Of course, now that I'm online no one else is. No one's on so I can share my amazement at having this Mac grow on me. I could get used to a Mac. Maybe. I'd like to have both, just so I could be choosey and use like one for graphics and one for other BS. But there's no need to be selfish.

I'm in Ogunquit, ME by the way. This place is so much more home to me then any other place. So many warm fuzzy memories.

Catching Up/Day Log
Tuesday, August 12th
I actually did some work. Packing, cleaning, cleaned the fish tank, homework, etc.
Felicia came a little before five. We ate supper at TGI Friday's (I was original and had chicken fingers with honey mustard, like always), then we stopped at Starbucks (where else?) and hung out for awhile, talking to Jay and Ginger, the lesbian couple whose son I took pictures of.
Afterwards, due mainly to the fact that Felicia had not realized that three shots of espresso would be a bad thing, and the said three shots made her sleepless and fidgity (though that's quite all right), we just chilled and talked until like three am.

Wednesday, August 13
Woke up around ten, went to mall around noon.
Started out to Wolf Trap around five thirty, maze of public transporation to get there, Ani was amazing (of course), I had fun and stuff.

Thursday, August 14
Flew from Dulles Airport to Logan at 8:50 am. I beeped going through security so they took me aside and ran the bar over me. Which tickles, by the way. Or maybe that's just me. So I stood there, in the middle of airport security, in my socks with my arms out to my sides, trying not to laugh as a stiff lipped lady waved that bar over me.

Friday is not worth mentioning.

Saturday, August 16th
All right. Enough day logging, I hate that type of entry.

So I wake up today at ten to five and have to some how tiptoe out to the yardarm (little room that's not connected to the house), shower and dress. I, of course, forgot a shirt so I ended up wearing my pj-top.
It's the one with writing that streaches out over my boobs. Which shouldn't happen because I have rather small boobs.

I saw Amanda, very briefly, and then Ryan showed up soon afterwards (after a brief moment of lost-ness). After Amanda left to go do Amanda things, Colby, Ryan and I went sailing.
I love sailing, I wish I remembered how to sail myself so I could do it... with what sailboat, I don't know, but that's not the point. I got some good shots that I will stick in the photo of the week when I get back home.

The thing about Ogunquit that the unsuspecting conservative tourists do not realize is that it has a major gay community. That chick serving you your coffee? Raging lesbian. The lifeguard? Yea, he's gay. The waiter? Yea, him too. Probably a good 40% of Ogunquit's tourist industry comes from the queer community.

Which of course means that Ryan and I fit right in. We found this deliously gay shop (for gay men) and bought him a very queer shirt just because every once in awhile a 'closeted' queer needs to step out of the closet and of course, when one does that, one must look their best. ;-)
I was kind of upset that I didn't discover that shop sooner, the lady there said she would have gotten me tickets to this comedian's show last night that was at one of the gay theatres... because of me being under age and all, I really have not explored the queer community of Ogunquit that much at all, but I can't wait until I can. What a college job that would be, working in a gay store just down the road from the beach.

So this has been my only real vacation since summer vacation started, and this will be my last entry until probably Thursday evening, when I fly home.
Tomorrow Mum and I leave for Bennington, VT to visit Bennington College on Monday morning and then Marlboro College in the afternoon.
On Tuesday I have an appointment at Clark University in MA, and on Wednesday I'm touring the Northeastern University campus.


P.S. Felicia, I sent you a postcard.
Anyone who wants a postcard from somewhere in New England, email me before nine am tomorrow with your address. I had to buy a min. of five postcard stamps so I have some stamps tucked into my wallet that I need to use.

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