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Grr. : 05.13.03 @ 3:34 pm

Despite staying home from school for little reason beyond my desire to "catch up" with school work and sleep, for some reason I'm in a grumpy mood. Maybe it's that I slept in a funny position and woke up with my arm and neck skewed unnaturally.
Maybe it's that I have developed a strong dislike for The Great Gatsby, which wouldn't be going half as slow if I didn't have to freaking analyze it as I went along.
Maybe it's the fact that I can't get the stupid fucking syphoning tool to do its job and clean the god damned fish tank.
Maybe it's because my mother knows how to do it but because she's in an equally if not worse bad mood, has decided to not help me because she's "too busy".

Yea. All right.

I don't think I even mentioned � I've been neglecting this journal due to working almost thirty hours a week and making half assed attempts to keep up with my school work � that I got a fish tank. It was last Thursday, I believe. A ten gallon tank with a tank divider so my two new Bettas � Julias and Chai � don't rip each other apart. Julias's side of the tank has a plant theme going on, with silk and plastic ivy leaves hanging on the back of the tank, a small clay pot on its side for use as a cheap hide-y hole and another plant that looks like it just fell out of the clay pot. Julias also shares his five gallons with a currently unnamed African Dwarf Frog who I am having a damned time feeding because I can't find frozen blood worms at any of the local pet stores.
Julias is a bit of a bully, and I'm hoping that he will continue to ignore the cute little frog.
I'm also hoping that the little frog doesn't die from starvation while I try in vain to find something to feed him. Or, if he does, he does within the next few days so I can get my $5 back.

Chai's side of the tank doesn't really have a theme, just a plant and a rock that you can swim through. He has the heater on his side of the tank though, so he's naturally more happy. He also has two panda catfishes, who he finds very curious but generally ignores. They are also unnamed, because it is impossible to tell who is who.

I'm still quite angry.

I think I will go for a run.
Or just wallow in my excessive fat.


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