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OOoohh. Boobies! (updated 11:50pm) : 04.25.03 @ 10:29 pm

I would have updated these last two days but those would have been just quick, meaningless entries talking about boring things you don't want to hear about.
Not that this won't be, but maybe the days absence will extend this entry beyond a paragraph.

Have I mentioned that I've been very "Ooohh Boobies!" lately? I mean, I'm always "Oooh Boobies!" but lately, more so. It's hard to explain but I'm attributing it to it being springtime and all the femmes out there are digging out their tight shirts, short shorts, and short skirts. If they're wearing a form fitting shirt, I have to deliberately drag my eyes away from a woman's beautiful curves... rawr. Sometimes I'm such a straight male. I completely understand guys that get confused when girls wear outfits like that and then hate it when you look. I completely understand a straight guy's fascination with lesbians. Hell, if I saw two girls making out, I'd get hot too.
What is disturbing is when a guy I'll know will get excited about me being a lesbian and asking questions as if to actually imagine the act of me having sex with another girl. I like to avoid those instances.

I have this shirt that reads "Feminist Chicks Dig Me". On the one hand, I think the shirt is amusing. On the other, I'm almost embarrassed to wear it in public. It's just too... blunt. That and my (straight) English teacher is an-almost-radical feminist so I try to avoid wearing it on Black days. I'm very afraid that some straight chick is going to say "Hey, I'm a feminist and I don't 'dig you'". So that shirt gets semi hidden by a hoodie or coat a lot.

I've almost become an unofficial junior guidance counselor at school. I've spent so much time researching colleges that if a student gives me their GPA, SAT/PSAT scores, academic interest, the size of the college, and what states they want, I can rattle off a bunch of schools that they might want to look at. It surprised me when I was first able to do that. It was fun, I wouldn't mind doing that for a living. Be a guidance counselor, lol. I think I'll stick to my lawyer-government plan and shove guidance counselor and any other education related careers onto the back up plan list. No need to spend more time in high school then necessary.

I got my cell phone the other day. It's a sweet phone, much smaller then I thought it was and I've got REM's "It's the End of the World As We Know It" as my ring tone, which makes me very happy every time it rings (which hasn't been often). If you want my cell number, email me and I'll give it to you. I only get 300 minutes a month so I'd prefer if anyone that had my cell phone number call on the weekends, which are unlimited (or just make calls very short).

I'm sorry.
I was going to write a longer entry, but my mind has totally spaced out and I forgot where my thought was going... Bah. I had something interesting to say. Well, all right interesting might be an overstatement.
I plan on working on a new layout tomorrow. Maybe start it tonight. There's a few new codes I want to work out, but I don't really have the time... so busy, I barely have time to sleep let alone update my diary.


Later, 11:57 pm

My mother is going to have a heart attack when she comes home - I actually cleaned my room. It hasn't been cleaned since Kate came to visit in January and even then it was a sketchy side of clean.
I've lived with the various spiders that inhabit basements for a very long time, seeing I've lived in the (furnished) basement since I was eleven. Spiders eventually just stopped being a fearful and/or disgusting thing. I've even taken to not killing them unless I find them on my bed or they're particularly large.
Today, I walked into my room and noticed almost right away...

A very large insect on my wall. It was at least two inches long with a narrow tan and black body and thin, bent legs and very long antenas. Needless to say, I was very grossed out. I was so grossed out, I almost didn't want to get close enough to kill it with this monster of a dictionary that I grabbed from the bookshelf in the den.
I did though, and it twitched and made a strange hmming sound as it died on my dictionary, glued to it with its own guts.

Yes. So that's how I decided it was time to clean my room.

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