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Shrub, Work, & Not Much Else : 03.08.03 @ 5:13 pm

Instructor: "Now what kind of a tree can you be down there on the floor, Janet?"
Janet: "I'm a fucking shrub, all right?!"

Girl Interupted

Even when Angelina Jolie is playing a fucking nut, she's still hot. Rawr.
Yea. I watched that movie last night instead of sleeping like I should have been doing.
I woke up this morning at 4:20 am and didn't bother going back to bed because I had to start getting ready for work around quarter of five (worked opening shift 5:30 to 1:30 am).

I am so beat right now... my entire body and mind started rebelling around eleven thirty. It just shut down, left a note that read - You're fucking crazy if you think I'm going to function any longer..

After that everything went wrong. I constantly messed up people's drinks, forgot to call them correctly, and even had to redo someone's Moca Frap because I spilt it all over everything.

How embarrassing.

I got paid today (well yesterday, picked it up today). I've made $390.01 over two pay periods (working two or three days a week, not including tips) and the government has taken $52.57 of that.
Again, I say, its enough to make anyone turn Republican. I'm a bloody high school student, what the hell do you need my money for? I think I need it more then you do with how expensive college is now a days.

I'm thinking people really need to slow down and think about life more. So many people just don't stop and think about the why's and the how's of the world, they just accept what they're told and go about living their superficial little lives.
I don't know how people can stand that.
(If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?)

Colby told me to write a really long entry but I just don't have it in me today. I'm feeling better today, I think.

But nothing is constant, so that may change... or perhaps it already has?


Did three reviews today. One was okay, but the other two are worth mentioning. One is worth mentioning because the diary really did make me want to stab my eyes out with a spork. She got what I've been told is either the lowest or one of the lowest scores from diaryreviews - ever.
You can view my review (here).
The other diary was excellent. Y'all should mosey on over to her diary (here)

I know what my next layout will be of already... (You'll have to wait to know what it is until April)

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