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Procrastination, V : 03.03.03 @ 9:24 pm

If I wasn't so devoted to this diary and the writings contained within, I would be doing my Algebra project and/or studying for my Chemistry test and/or doing all the many things that need to be done before Wednesday.

Yea. You're right. Should have known I couldn't have pulled that weak one past you... nope, I'm procrastinating yet again. Well. I don't know if it counts as procrastination. I've done half of my Algebra, I'm just so tired I need a few minutes to gather my thoughts again.

Yesterday night at exactly 11:04 (I was actually looking at the clock when I realized this) I realized that the philosophy project that was due (today, first period) not only wasn't done, but I had totally misinterpreted the instructions so of course it was harder then it should have been.
So at one am I began an interview with a friend of mine, "Z". An interview was a part of it, reading an inspirational book was another, and writing about an inspirational place thingy was another. As of now, the place thing I can pull out of my ass, the interview just needs to be formatted, and I bought the book I'm going to read today at Barnes and Nobel.
(Did I mention this is all due Wednesday?)

Needless to say, it was three am before I went to sleep. I wake up at 5:30. Enough said.

I was sitting in 7th period AP US History trying to concentrate on the Great Depression (do you have any idea how many Acts I have to know from that period alone? Bah), when a thought slid into my mind from god knows where...

Suddenly I got the notion that... I could become a lawyer.

Yea. Go figure. I'd hate it I tell you! Not to mention four years of law school... -shudders-
I have no idea where the hell this idea came from, but it latched onto my brain and hasn't quite let go yet. Perhaps it'll shake itself off before I graduate high school. I hope.

This is really starting to irritate me. I know that I'm not supposed to know exactly what I want to do with my life - that's just stupid considering it's life and has a will of its own. But in the past six months I've gone from being absolutely certian I wanted to go into photography to double majoring in photography and history to getting my PhD in history, to going to Law School?! WTF indeed.

My brain has been hazy and mushy today so other then that sneaky thought, I had no thoughts worth noting here. Apologies extended for making you click on my link for nothing.

For Personal Organizational Purposes

Things to Do: Things to buy:
Algebra Project
Study for Chem Quiz
Finish English Journal
Write nature inspiration thingy
Read the book
Finish roll of film
Work on photography project
APUSH Essay(s)
misc. APUSH hw
Clean "apartment"
8 x 10 Kodak paper
Scrapbook for Photo Proj.
Book for Philosophy
Speakers for PC
Evolve Ani Difranco
Poster by Ani D
Various Bday gifts

I think this song is very appropriate. Check it out.


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