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Hornet in Heaven : 02.10.03 @ 3:23 pm

In a school of well over 2,000 students, its not odd to have a death or two a year.
Today, a senior died of his muscular dystrophy. Hmm. What a way to start a day with the reminder that my brother has muscular dystrophy (read) and some day down the road they're going to be announcing that he's died over the loud speaker and people are going to wonder if they knew him or not, then shrug and go about their day.

I do not have a very good impression of the principal of my high school. She appears to be one of those people that are very politician-like. All PR and fluff, no actual caring.

(read her letter today. Note how she notes Jason's aid's attendance record, as if that had any relevance whatsoevever.)

Anyway, she's trying to be all solemn and shit over the loudspeaker, which she should be, it's a very sad and solemn thing. But her voice just doesn't sound solemn. It's the same voice she uses for all announcements she makes - it sounds like she's announcing that we've just been bombed and the whole world is going to die but we should be up beat and humorous none the less. Bah. Basically, it sounds fake.

Then, she refers to Jason as "Hornet in Heaven."

Now. I don't know about you, but it is very very hard to keep a straight face when someone is refereed to as a Hornet in Heaven (hornet is our school mascot). And I wasn't the only one. Just about everyone throughout the school struggled to keep a straight face. Poor guy. If I die before I graduate and she calls me Hornet in Heaven and tries to make this big long personal speech about how inspiring I was to her (I've yet to actually see her, she's never around the halls or anything), I swear I will come back and haunt her.

Lately I've been thinking that I don't really want to go into photography. It just seems like the more structured photography is to me, the more I hate it. That, and I just don't have the creative mind for it. I could never be a great photographer and I'd probably end up taking school pictures for a living. Which I would hate.
I could become a history teacher/prof. Or do web design. That'd be fun. Well. I'm not sure if I'd call dealing with a bunch of obnoxious teenagers fun, but it'd be really easy. All history really is is assigning chapters to read. The only way you'll pass history is if you actually read and retain the information in the book. Anyway. Yea.

The following is the abridged story, because I have a horrible memory
I was walking in the hallways with Sean after lunch and these two freshmen guys were talking about how the sweetest smell in the world is pussy � and it was so obvious that they'd never been even remotely close to that particular part of the female anatomy (though I semi-agree with their uneducated braggart proclamation). I lean into Sean and say "You know, I should butt into their conversation and say � 'Personally, I like the taste better. You should try it sometime' ". I actually would have said that, but they had already gotten swallowed up by the crowd ahead of us. Sean and I then continued into a conversation about female genitalia while still laughing about those silly virgin freshmen boys attempting to be all cool and shit.

Aight so there are two things that are right at the top of my list of "must-haves" right now. And if any of you have $20+ and want to buy them for me you're welcome to. (Actually, you're not. As anyone who has randomly tried to buy me an expensive gift for no reason at all, -ehum, Kate- will tell you, I don't really like it. If you want to loan me the money... heh. This is all in joke. Please don't.) Are Garth Nix's Abhorsen and Ani Difranco's Evolve that comes out in March.

Abhorsen and the rest of Gath Nix's series (Sabriel, Lirael) about the Old Kingdom are a bit below my reading level but they are soooo good. I think I've read the first one four times before I bought it, and then six or seven times after I bought it. Lireal I just got, so I've only read that twice... get my point? They're good. Go out and see if your library has them. Oooohh god I love living in a rich county � the county library has twenty copies. (puts Abhorsen on hold)

Anyway, sorry for that momentary meaningless prattle.
Oh, wait it's all meaningless prattle... sorry...


mood: tired, yet awake. Lazy.
music: Why do I even bother? Classical, of course.

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