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I am Kunhigunda! : 02.05.03 @ 3:06 pm

I am done that essay I've been bitching about for a month.
(The sky opens up and mythical angels start belting Hallelujah!)
I was up until two am pulling the last page out of my ass and putting it all together. The essay is really bad and I'll be surprised if I get a C on it. So, after only three hours of sleep I pull myself out of bed and some how manage to get to school and into Algebra class.
For the first time in a very long time I wanted to smack someone today. I really don't get angry at acquaintances/classmates very often, and when I do I quickly forget about it. For some reason my brain just doesn't retain embarrassing moments or moments of anger. So I'm sitting in Algebra class, struggling with the work because I wasn't at the last class and I'm behind because of it. Mr. M sets us up with group work and this girl who sits next to me - we'll call her X. Well X seems nice enough, but in that snobby way. Like they're nice to you, but only because you're the untalented, unintelligent, middle class little person.
X divides the group work up, gives me the hard bits (when I don't even quite get the easy bits yet) and then when I ask her how to do something she explains it in a lovely condescending way, like you'd speak to a child.
I hate when people do that.

Nothing big happened today but oohh it feels so good to have that essay done. I'm tempted to take a nap before I go to work, just so I can be energized and shit - but why do that? I work at Starbucks. I'll just pick up some overly caffeinated beverage (four shots of expresso, straight!) on my way into my coffee-class.

I unofficially have my grades, and I'm sure you're all dying to hear about them. Well, okay so you're not but I have nothing better to talk about at the moment so you'll have to deal.

SubjectSemester GPA
Algebra II2.0 C
Psych3.0 B
Chemistry2.0 C
AP English3.5 B+
Photography4.0 A
AP US History3.5 B+
2nd semester average:3.08
High School average:3.193

Have I mentioned that I'm changing my name?
Well. Not legally. I have this dead ancestor (three greats) of mine who had this kick ass first name. "Kunhigunda". I'm not sure if I spelled that right, but I'm re-naming myself Kunhi in honor lol.

I suppose its better then naming my daughter that...


P.S. Get your damned mind out of the gutter, Kate & Jacqui!

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