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Snow Day(s) : Thursday, Dec. 05, 2002 @ 6:09 pm

Got to love Virginians.
There was no school today, and they'll be no school tomorrow as well. Five inches of snow did them in. Wimps.
Yes so I stayed home and worked on my template diary. The templates have a few kinks to be worked out, but it's pretty good so far. I made a Madonna template (for Ryan), an Ani Difranco Lyric one, and a Van Gough one.
So yea, that was my productive day.
Tomorrow I'll probably spend making more templates, fixing these ones, and getting ahead on homework.
Not very intresting.

You know what I find irritating?
When your parents ask you to do something "sometime today". So you plan on doing it and half way through the day they leave in a huff to do it, then are mad at you for not doing it.
I don't quite understand parents...

music: Madonna "Die Another Day"
P.S. Zac - Those people that called you a cock-sucking fag? That's kind of like someone calling me a dyke. It's just stating the already stated and making themselves look ignorant. It's also redudant. How can you be a fag and not be a cock-sucker? I mean really...

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