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Of Speech & War : 01.14.03 @ 4:02 pm

There would be, of course, nothing truly interesting about my day, yet again, that I could write about without putting you to sleep. I did end up going to school today, though I swear I had a fever in 5th period. I could have probably wined my way into the nurse's office and gone home but I actually like taking history tests and I had one 7th period. Don't give me that look! I just happen to insanely love certain subjects/hobbies and history is one of them. Photography (my 5th period class) is another, so I opted not to go home. My AP US History test I believe went well, though it could always be one of those things where you think it went well but really, you did everything wrong.
I hate when that happens.

I've been thinking lately that I should just shut up. I talk too much. It'd be one thing if I talked about things that pertained to the subject at least remotely. But they don't! The things that spill out of my mouth are but ramblings and I'm sure everyone is thinking to themselves - "Where the hell did that come from?" - "Why'd she say that?" - "Won't she just shut up?"
Of course, in quieting my vocalness about every little thing that pops into my head I may in fact stunt possible friendships and become a withdrawn black hole of frowns and depression and tell me, what good would that do me?
I believe my language has become more flowery of late. I'm not sure if I should apologize for this or pat myself on the back for picking up some terms and language while reading the works of Virginia Woolf, Slyvia Plath, Henry David Therou, and of course Anne Rice. I must stop this habit of picking up speech patterns from books I read - you should have heard me speak after reading Huckleberry Finn! Took my days to get that dreadful vocabulary out of my system. What's worse is that I think in the same manner! Quite frustrating.
I suppose it could be worse.
I could be reading Jane Eyre.

One by one, all of the people I know who were planning on going to the Anti War March this weekend (the pluses of living twenty minutes from DC!) have had their plans broken. Mine were broken first, for various reasons. My mother's excuse "Protests are dangerous. There will be other protests" (end quote) strikes me as odd and I suspect it is more because they are die hard Republicans. Even if I'm going there only to photograph the event � how many chances do you get to photograph a country on the brink of war � it's no matter. In their minds, its crazed liberals in large groups. Supposedly I'll end up stoned and in jail. They should know me better after almost seventeen years of living with me. I don't do drugs and I wouldn't endanger my precious Jocelyn [camera] by doing anything that would involve any amount of time spent in jail. Sean's plans were broken � ironically enough - by the news that his elder brother is being sent away to fight the war on Monday and he's expected to spend the weekend with him.
How do I feel about this War?
I feel no big patriotism for my country and even if I did I do not believe that it the right reason to fight a war, despite what my father says. My father will tell you that we are going to war to rid Iraq of nuclear weapons. Also, he will point out the horrible things that S.H. has done to his people and make reference to various biased allegations with no proof to back him up. If, we are infact at war because of Iraq's nuclear weapons, what are we going to fight them with? A giant sling shot? Marbles? Children's toys? Can you not only match nuclear weapons with nuclear weapons? What gives us the right to have nuclear weapons but not them? For some reason I doubt that Iraq has anything more serious then the atom bomb - and on that thought, what country created that disaster again? As for S.H. doing horrible things to his own people, for Christ's sake man you were a history major! You've read our history! You know all about horrible things that we've done to our own people time and time again! I hope to whatever higher deity there may be that the American government knows something we don't. If not, we are on the brink of nuclear war for what, oil? If it is oil, why not deprive the Middle East of their economy, stop using oil and revert to hybrids and other alternative means of power?

It is, I suppose, of man's nature to destroy slowly each other with hatred. I suppose it is but mother nature's way of slimming down the population. We've cured disease after disease, we multiply like no other creature (except maybe a virus) and soon enough we will have eaten through our natural resources until there is not enough to sustain our way of life and then what? So let them have their war. Let them see death. Perhaps only then will we, as a race will learn.

mood: contemplative
music: Classical Playlist

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