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Starbucks? : 01.17.03 @ 11:12 pm

The strong smell of coffee mingles with the cold air and snow as I hold the door open for a woman as she leaves. I go inside, my stomach fluttering. I go up to the counter and ask the girl who I give an application to.
This very tall man with skin the color of the darkest coffee smiles at me and takes my application. He nods slightly as he reads my white out blotted paper that's missing a reference out of the three because I just don't know anyone to put down.
He's interrupted a few times and I observe everything while his attention is diverted. Three squirts of vanilla syrup, two shots of what I believe to be decaf, half and half... what's the name of this drink again? The area behind the counter is small and there is four people bustling around behind it. My stomach is still fluttering and it's spreading. I put my hands in my pockets to stop a slight shake.
He returns to me and I smile while he asks me vague questions.
Where are you from?
Houlton, Maine. Five minutes from Canada. I smile.
Oh I've been there.
Really? Most people ask me where it is.
But isn't Portland a rather populous area?
It is, but I'm from Houlton.
Oh, I see.
He looks thoughtful.
Do you have a minute?
We sit down at one of the small circular wooden tables. I'm thankful to not be standing for my legs are starting to shake.
What did you do as a junior counselor? He asks.
I explain briefly, leaving out the parts involving throw up, outhouses, home sicknesses and the like. As if you can really get a good idea what someone did as a camp counselor if you leave that out.
What do you want to do when you gr-- get out of school?
The answer comes easy. I want to go to art school and study photography.
What do you consider your strongest suit?
Personality wise?
I think, unconsciously biting the inside of my lip. Oh no I'm being too silent. Shit, what do I say? --- That I'm my own person -- I finally say -- That I love who I am and don't want to change that. You don't find many people my age who feel that way.
He likes my answer and smiles wide, flashing white teeth.
What do you think is your worst suit, or something you'd like to improve?
Well hell, I think. I'd say math but you need math for this job. What to say what to say -- Getting in political arguments with my father, I finally respond. It doesn't really answer the question, but it's the only thing I can think of right now that I really want to improve. I continue -- We're always getting into arguments and it just gets me into more trouble then its worth.
He laughs and I smile, relived that he's amused at least. My shaking has subsided some, but the fluttering of my stomach is still there.

He says something about how he thinks he's got a good feel for me and he likes me. I relax a bit and the next ten minutes are spent as he talks about the job - what it is and what it isn't. How much I'd get paid if I'm hired (7.20/hr), how I get hired.
I have an official interview with another manager this Monday. After that, I have to go to "coffee school". Actual classes (I believe I'm paid for the training) where they teach you how to make all the different kinds of coffee. Then, there's an hour or so with the manager (his name is Brian, I finally learn at the end of this quasi-interview) going over the employee handbook. He hands me his card and tells me he'll call me Monday once the appointment is officially set up.
I thank him for seeing me and he looks surprised at my politeness.
No problem - then he returns to his work and I return to the car with a grin.

The flutter is replaced with wings and I feel like I could fly. What a change from my last interviews! Oh... I hope they want me... I hope I do well at "coffee school".
I'd like to work there. It's a good job that pays well and looks good. The experience will be good too.
I just have to hope I don't get all nervous and mess things up for myself. That always seems to happen to me when I'm nervous.
With a job, I can pay for that website, I can save up for college, save up for a possible new camera (yes, I know I just bought one in October, I'd like a different one in addition to that), buy clothes...
.:crosses fingers:.
Should I bother to hope?

music: Little Plastic Castle (CD) - Ani Difranco
mood: excited
Note: Quotation marks were left out on purpose.

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