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Die Sinuses Die : 01.13.03 @ 11:57 am

I stayed home from school today. I probably could have suffered through school, but I'm so out of it that I really wouldn't have done well on the test I had today. So, I took the day off, got caught up on my reviews for diaryreviews and will actually study for the test once Mum kicks me off the computer.
I was inspired to work on some of my templates at my template site, but I've been informed that I don't have much time on the computer left because Mum needs to get typing. She got a job (yay!) typing for some company, even though the job would probably be more suited for me because I can get up there in the 70 words per minute while she's still poking at the keyboard and actually looking at the keys (who does that any more, anyway?).

I feel/sound/look like shit, but everytime I feel like this I know it could always be worse so I'll try not to complain too much. Damned sinuses. Funny how you don't even think much about them until they're clooged up and useless and you're left sitting there, your mouth slightly open with a thin coat of slime on your lips as you attempt to breathe through your mouth. You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure anyone who's had a bad cold does. It's icky. I'm also completely out of it, which is not fun unless its as a result of something you took/drank and even then I'm not particularly fond of the feeling. Out of it as in staring off into space going "uuuuuuuhhhhhh -cough- uuuuhhhhhhhhh -sneeze-" , etc.
I've been drinking so much water since I woke up around 9:30 that I've had to pee twice. {gets up to go the the bathroom} Okay, three times.
Quoth a Hallmark card: "If you drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day... your new hobby will be peeing"
I plan on adding a page or two to my already extensive diary. To give Zac something to look at (lol) seeing my "web site" isn't that exciting and my buddy profile hasn't been updated in ages and I'm not even sure if it works or not...
mood: blah.
music: Chopin: Waltz #2 in C Minor

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